Chapter 31 - Erised

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I sat on my bed staring down at the present Draco gave me for Christmas, it sparkled in my hand. I wasn't expecting anything like this from him. I took another look at it. From my hand dangled a silver necklace at the bottom with a green dragon as the pendent. It's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. I undo the clasp and place it around my neck the proceed to tuck it into my shirt to keep it safe.

Dear Draco,
I opened your present,
And I wanted to tell you,
I don't like it,
I love it,
(I'm really funny),
Seriously though,
It is one of the most beautiful things I've even seen,
I don't know how to repay you,
I'll see you after Christmas,
Best wishes Sky :)

I wrote my thank you letter to Draco then headed out of the bed room, down to common room and out into the halls. I'm aware that it is too late at night to be out in the halls but I'm going crazy just staying in my room especially alone. As I'm walking through one of the hall ways I see a door open and close by itself. That was definitely Harry.

I make my way over to the door, constantly checking around to make sure I'm alone. I open the door, go through and close it behind me. When I'm inside I find Harry and Ron stood in the middle of the room facing me but there is a big mirror in the back of the room.

"Sky? What are you doing in here?" Harry asks me.
"I followed you in, I was out for a walk and saw a not so inconspicuous door open and close all by itself, I figured it had to be you under your invisibility cloak."
"You're too smart," Ron says as he rolls his eyes.
"Not really it's blatantly obvious," I shrug, "so what is that thing?"
"It's my parents come and look," Harry comes up to me, grabs my hand and drags me in front of the mirror.
"I don't see them Harry," Ron tells him, Harry looks to me with hope in his eyes, but I shake my head I can't see them either.
"Stand here," he says to Ron as he moves him to face it square on.
"Hang on a second, it's me, I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore, I'm holding the quidditch cup, not only that I'm quidditch captain," Ron is beaming, "maybe it shows our futures," Ron says excitedly to a sad looking Harry.
"How can it my parents are dead."

Ron looks apologetically at Harry.

"Come on Sky tell us what you see," Harry says moving me to where Ron was stood.

I look up at the ornate architecture of the mirror and it has Erised etched into it, if I wasn't sure it showed you your deepest desire I am now.

"I look into the mirror and I'm concerned by the sight that I'm seeing, there's me in the middle, I'm head girl and quidditch captain, I suppose that means I'm not really thinking long term, though it's not my appearance that concerns me though. There are two people stood behind me, one of them is my dad, the other I don't know who they are."
"You told me you don't know who your mum is," Harry offers.
"The other person couldn't be my mum, though their hair is almost identical to mine, black and curly but not as long."
"That's odd," Ron says.
"I agree," I turn to them both, "can we leave now this is freaking me out."

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