Chapter 23 - Mean

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I left the others and headed to the dungeons, I only just made it back into the common room for curfew.

"Sky where have you been," Draco asks as I come into the common room.

As usual at this time, we're the only ones. He getures for me to come sit next to him.

"With Hermione," I tell him.

He looks disgusted as I I'd said I'd been kissing a frog.

"With the mud-blood? What for?"
"Ron was mean to us both, she cried and I got mad, so I followed her and stayed with her till she was ready to come out."
"But she's a mud-blood, you're a Slytherin she's below you."
"I disagree."
"You can't disagree with me, you can be right or you can be wrong."
"Draco you're just being mean. You don't even know her."
"I don't care, I am mean, I don't know why you think I'm anything more."
"You know what I'm starting to think you're not, I'm going to bed," and just like that I leave him all alone in the common room.

When I get up to my dorm the others are already fast asleep. I change then get into bed, I make sure to put in a bit if time to the muggle work whilst there is still a little light. I then drfit of to sleep hoping tomorrow will come soon. I have my first quidditch match tomorrow against Gryffindor, and I'm really excited.

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