Chapter 25 - Match

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I'm in my quidditch uniform stood with my team just off the side of the pitch. Even though I discovered the whole willing the change of my outfit thing I still enjoy getting changed like a Muggle, so must everyone else because I have yet to see anyone will a change in their outfit. Anyway..... As I'm stood with my team Hermione comes up to me buzzing with excitement and gives me a brief hug before stepping back, and I notice some green on her face.

"Hermione you are aware that you're in Gryffindor right?"
"Yes why?" She asks confused.
"You've got green paint on your face."
"You're my bestie Sky of course I'm going to support you, I've got my Gryffindor scarf so the rest of my house doesn't get angry at me for supporting you, I can't lie the rest of Gryffindor really doesn't like you, seen as you're a Slytherin."
"Come on Sky it's time to make our way up to the top of the tower."

I give Hermione a quick hug and follow the team to the other side of the pitch. We make our way up an extremely rickity staircase to the top of the Slytherin cloth covered quidditch tower. As we are stood there waiting music starts blaring out of no where, obviously by magic. Soon we are introduced to the pitch and fly out in order to take our starting positions in the sky, I'm face to face with Harry. Madam Hooch tells us to have a clean match from the ground before the balls are released and she blows her whistle. The snitch hovers around for a short while before zipping off for us to chase. Funnily enough though both me and Harry stayed high up to watch the game, usually I would have immediateoy flown after it but I wanted to see what his tactic was (I'm not so sure he really knows what's happening). From our vantage point we can see the whole pitch and we watch the game unfold. Gryffindor scores twice before Flint knocks a bludger into the stomach of Oliver, and Slytherin starts scoring after that (admittedly Slytherin plays a bit dirty for my liking but there's nothing I can do to realistically stop them). Suddenly the snitch makes its way in front of us and we set off after it, that is until Harry's broom starts going hay wire. As I start to move towards Harry to help he is my friend after all (and it's not really a win if your opponent isnt even competing), an unbearable pain starts in my stomach. I'm falling to the ground and my broom is no longer underneath me.

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