Chapter 35 - Study

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Hermione hadn't been back long before she dragged us to the library to research Nicholas Flammel, I explained to her how we had already found the right book and she went of to grab it.

"How could I be so stupid, I checked it out months ago for a bit of light reading."

Ron gave her look of "are you crazy" which Hermione wasn't pleased about and then started reading to us, eventually we discovered that Nicholas Flammel was the creator of the philosopher's stone which had many interesting properties, one where it turns any metal to gold, another where it creates the elixir of life. This discovery is very important we now know what the dog is hiding.

I see Pinky walk into the library along with her study group, I get up from my seat.

"I'll see you at tea time, I'm going to go see my cousin and her study group," they all mutter some sort of goodbye and I leave them.

I catch up to my cousin who was walking through the library and apparently hadn't seen me.

"Pinky!" I exclaim as I catch up to her.
"Hey Sky," she smiles as she greets me, "what did you think of your Christmas present?"
"I loved it! And I'm sorry that I forgot to write."
"It's alright I didn't write you either. What are you doing here by the way?"
"Well I was doing a bit of research with my friends then I saw you walk in so I figured I could join your study group. Please?" I give her my best puppy dog eyes.
"Yeah of course," she says and I follow her to where her study group meets (they were already there because they left her so she could talk to me).

I sit down between Pinky and Cedric with Oliver across from me.

"Hey guys," I greet and they all greet me back.
"What you doing here Skyla?" Cedric asks.
"I was in the library and then I saw my cousin coming in with you guys, I enjoyed what we did last time so I figured I'd join again with Pinky's permission at least."
"I see, you should join it permanently, you were a great help to me past time and it would help you get a head," Cedric suggests.
"No it wouldn't," Tara snarls, "we help with spells and such that you're struggling with not teach you new ones."
"I'm not saying you would teach her new spells I'm saying she's a natural and would pick them up being here, oh and, I'm offering to teach you new spells," he smiles.

I accept his offer and we start the study session, this week Cedric wasn't having any problems so he was teaching me some second year spells, I managed to pull them all off first time Cedric and I high fiving everytime I did so. After a while the session ended and I agreed to join permanently.

"Cedric," I get his attention, "you can call me Sky by the way, my other friends do."
"I didn't know I was your friend."
"Oh okay that's alright nevermind just keep calling me Skyla then," I smile trying to hide the hurt.
"I wasn't saying that you're not my friend Sky I just didn't know I was yours."
"I could never make friends in primary school and now I've got five, it's not a lot but it's more than I've ever had."

Cedric gives me a pitying look, "come on it's time for tea we better not be late."

We make our way out of the library and to tea. Today was a good day.

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