Chapter 51 - Mirror

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I stand in the potion room contemplating my options. I can stay here and hope that the potions will regenerate, though that seems optimistic and based on the assumption that who ever went ahead of us drank the who of the blue bottle like Hermione and Harry did. After a little while of waiting I give up hope and decide to push my look. I head over to the flames where Harry went through. In stand there and think to myself that I hope the flames part for me but nothing happens, at this point I'm working on the assumption that the others were right that there is something odd about me but so far the theory doesn't seem to be holding. As a last ditch effort I pass through the flames and hope they don't burn me and it works. I'm shocked that it does but I'm relieved. There's no proof I did anything there is every chance that they were just for show anyway, I head through the corridor until I get to the next chamber where I find Harry mid-conversation with Professor Quirrel.

"Ha, I knew it!" I exclaim and they both turn to face me.
"Sky," Harry shouts visibly relieved to see me.

I head down the stairs of the funnily shaped room to stand next to Harry.

"Well if it isn't Miss Lupin-Black," Professor Quirrel says, "I wasn't expecting to see you here."
"I like being unpredictable," I say.
"It's nice of you to join I was," the Quirrel says before I cut him off.
"In all honesty I'm not bothered about your exposition."

That comment obviously annoys him and he switches his attention to Harry.

"Come here Potter, now," he instructs him.
"Tell me, what do you see?" Quirrel asks making his voice into almost a whisper.

It's at this point I notice the Mirror Erised in the centre of the room, I don't know how I missed it. Harry has moved over to the mirror and I follow him curious to have another look. Harry and look into the mirror together and all we can see is our own reflections until Harry's is different. Harry's reflection reaches into his pocket and pull out the stone, I hold in a gasp and I notice the real Harry fiddle with his pocket and the shape of the stone is clear on his pocket. Harry quickly pulls his hand away from his pocket which couldn't have been an more obvious movement.

"What is it? What do you see?" Quirrel shouts.
"I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore, I've won the house cup," he lies quickly, though it is very unconvincing.
"He lies," I bodiless voice hisses.
"Tell the truth what do you see?" Quirrel shouts.

Before Harry can come up with another poor lie the bodiless voice speaks again and instructs Quirrel to let him speak to Harry. Quirrel tries to dissuade it but eventually takes off his turban. I gag when I see a face in the back of Quirrel's head. Quirrel turns to me but the voice tells him to ignore me. I stand there feeling like a spare part as who I am assuming is Voldemort tries to proposition Harry to take over the world. When Harry rejects him Quirrel goes after under the command of his master, I run to put myself between them both.

"I am not interested in you little girl get out of my way," Quirrel says.
"If you want to get to Harry you're going to have to kill me first," I say reaching for my wand preparing to cast every spell I can think of.

Quirrel reaches for his wand and I realise that I am most likely going to die.

"AVADA KA," Quirrel only gets part through the spell when Harry grabs the wrist of the hand holding his wand.

After Harry grabs his wrist it disintegrates in front of our eyes. We both look between each other and his hands and realise he must have some sort of special ability, or at least he does right now. Harry reaches for Quirrel's face who after creaming in agony for a short while falls to the floor in a pile of dust. Harry and high five each other thinking we've won. Harry is knocked to the ground before I can see what did it but the ghostly whisp escaping the chamber makes me believe that it is the soul of Voldemort.

"Harry wake up," I shake him slightly.

It's obvious that Harry isn't going to wake up so I grab the stone which he dropped when he collapsed, place it back in his pocket like it was originally and use all the adrenaline in my body to lift him up. Honestly I don't know how I manage it but I carry him to the potions puzzle and find the potions regenerated, pleased I hold onto Harry and drink the potion which transports us back to safety, when I see Harry teleported with me I pass out knowing my job is done.

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