Chapter 5 - Books

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We decided to start off in Flourish and Blotts, the book shop on Diagon Alley hoping that it would have all the books I need for school. As we walk through the door a small bell chimes and we step down a couple of stairs so we're stood in the middle of the shop, it's quite overwhelming standing here it's nothing like "muggle" shops as they are supposedly called. I've been to plenty of book shops before, all school books are always covered in those shiny paper covers supposedly to make them water proof, I don't know to be honest but they're not leather bound or clothed hardbacks like they are in here.

"Good afternoon," I hear a man's voice of in the book shelves somewhere.
"Good afternoon," we both say back to what seems to be a bodiless voice.

I reread the list and have a look around the shop I'm entirely sure how the shelves are sorted there's no kind of indication, the owner probably hopes you'll spend so much time looking you find something else you want and but that as well. My dad wonder's off behind a set of book shelves.

"Pup what are the books again? I think I'm onto something," he shouts hidden.
"The standard book of spells (grade 1), A history of magic, Magical theory, A beginner's guide to transfiguration, One thousand magical herbs and fungi, Magical drafts and potions, Fantastic beasts and where to find them, The dark forest: a guide to self defence," I read to him, wishing the books would just make their own way into my arms.
"OW" both my dad and the shop keeper shout.

The books come flying off the shelves into my arms all eight neatly piling themselves up in my arms. I walk over to the counter at the front of the shop, the shop keeper comes over, I pay him and we walk out of the shop book in hand.

"I don't remember that happening when I got my books," my dad tills
"I don't believe floating books is too far fetched you jaded a broom sweep itself."
"But no spells were cast, that's what's bothering me," he gives me an odd look.
"Don't worry about it dad, we need to get this list done before it gets dark," I look down at the list, "Clothes, what sounds like potion equipment based off of movies, and other random things, we have a fair bit left to do dad."
"Come on then pup we best get on with it."

We walk to Madame Malkins, and an older witch rushes over to us, greeting us pleasantly, she has way too many tape measures for just one person. She ushers me onto a small pedestal mildly elevated off the floor, before I know it she's taken my measurements and handed me everything on the list. It was definitely school uniform season for her.

We pay and thank her before leaving, well we tried to leave but I bumped into someone.
"Watch where you're going," the boy snarls.
He has such bright white hair I feel the need to put sunglasses on.
"Hey you were the one that walked into me we were heading out any one with any sort of commons decency or manners lets people exit first."
"Don't insult my manners, I'm very polite."
"Sure sure that's why you snarled at a stranger."
"Now listen you," he winces as who I assume is his father grasps his shoulder tightly.
"Don't be rude Draco the young girl is right you barged into her, so apologise and we can get on with our day."
"Sorry," Draco hangs his head embarrassed.
"Apology accepted," I smile.
"Ah Remus, hello, is this your daughter?"
"Hello Lucius, yes, this is Skyla."
"Nice to meet you Skyla."
"Nice to meet you," I reply politely but he makes me very uncomfortable, I can almost sense an evil aura coming from him.
"So," he pauses, "what house do you think you'll be sorted into at Hogwarts?"
"To be honest with you but I don't know enough to answer your question, I thought my dad was pranking me with all the magic and stuff until this morning," I reply.

I really knew nothing.

"I'm going to be in Slytherin, like the rest of my family," Draco says proudly.
"Maybe you will be too Skyla, I'm sure Draco can be your friend."

Lucius attempts a smile at me, he steps aside to let dad and I out of the door then goes in the join Draco. Lucius is being nice now but it must all be an act, his amicable facade is purely political. His son however, though he may have been rude to me, he seems tightly wound due to his father, I imagine if I was in Slytherin I could probably make friends with him, though it would be a lot of effort- he definitely doesn't like me.

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