Chapter 24 - Breakfast

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Today I woke up in a brilliant mood, very excited for my first ever official match, I'd be going head to head with Harry both of us being seekers. I was up a while before the rest of my room mates I showered and got dressed and headed out of our dorm room. I walk past Draco and his posse who are sat on the couches in front of the unlit fire, I head out of the dungeons and to the great hall where I literally bump into Hermione as I try to walk through the door.

"SKY!" She exclaims as she gives me a quick hug, "it feels like I haven't seen you in ages."
"Hermione it was last night it's not been that long," I tell her laughing.
"I suppose you're right. Are you heading to breakfast too? Ron and Harry are just behind me."
"Yeah I wanted to get to breakfast early, I have the Gryffindor versus Slytherin match today."
"Of course you do, I heard through the grape vine you made seeker."

Harry and Ron seem to appear out of no where. I try to head into the great hall but Harry stops me.

"Sky can I talk to you quick?"
"Sure Harry what's up? You're not going to ask me to throw the game are you?"
"No don't be daft, its just something's have been bugging me about you."
"Harry I swear if you make a Slytherin comment I'll knock you off your broom during the match."
"No no nothing of the sort."
"What's up then," I smile.
"It's about the time Ron was mean to you."
"Which time?" I say annoyed, he looks sheepish.
"The first," he says solemnly knowing they were in the wrong.
"Okay shoot."
"Well it's about your hair."
"What about it Harry you're beating around the bush."
"Well as you know black is its natural colour," I look at him as if to say get on with it, "but when you stormed away from us that time, it was red, like if anger was a colour."
"Okay?! That's all you have to say?"
"Yeah, it was blue by the time I made it back to my common room."
"How is it possible?"
"Draco figured I was a metamorphagus, I don't know if his theory holds any wait though, I've been meaning to talk to someone about it I complete forgot to be honest with you, Harry can I go have my breakfast now please."
"Not just yet, just one more question."
"Fine. What's up?"
"Your last name, did you genuinely not know it was your last name or hadn't you heard it used much."

When he asked that I felt my heart break a little, I'd been trying not to think about it all term enjoying sending letters between my dad and I and not being angry, I'd been trying so hard to not think about the fact that my dad had lies to me about something else.

"I genuinely didn't know," I look at him sad, my now blue hair rests over my shoulder.
"I'm sorry Sky."
"Because I quite obviously brought up something that makes you sad," he gestures to my hair.
"I don't want to talk about it anymore lets just go for breakfast."

We make our way into the great hall, Harry heads over to Gryffindor as I make my way over to Slytherin table. There only seems to be the rest of the quidditch team and a few older students I've never seen before.

"Skyla, come sit with us were strategising," Flint tells me.

I make my way to them and sit next to Flint.

"Morning guys," I greet them as I sit down.

They all return some form of acknowledgement. I get a bit of food on my plate along with juice and mocha (I'm not really meant to have caffeine). I'm sat there eating listening to them discuss game plans, it's more so I know what's happening than because I'm involved, being seeker means I'm usually keeping to my own devices and concentrating on catching the snitch. Though even as seeker I know that there's a fault in their tactic, it's actually quite significant.

"Can I add something?" They look at me expectantly, "you've got a significant flaw in the plan, at the moment the formation is good for defence but it doesn't have the disruptive aspect we tend to aim for."
"Okay so what do you propose then?"

I take the wizard's chess pieces we were using to demonstrate the original idea and rearrange them into a a better formation for a play style.

"Like this, the beaters are taking a offensive rather than a defensive stance, and with the chasers as they now the one of the centre will cut the air so it is easier for the other two to fly, then if you rotate it won't all be put on one person plus it would be easier to go head to head with whichever chaser has the quaffle because the one at the front can serve as a distraction whilst the two at the back can tackle."

"Sky that is brilliant!" Flint says excitedly and the rest of the team nods their head in agreement (I don't know if they actually do or if they are trying to win points with the captain).
"You're welcome."

Whilst we continue to discuss other aspects of the match someone comes and sits next to me, turns out it's Draco, I continue on with the strategy conversation. He doesn't say anything for a while, not even hello. He just piles food onto his plate and eats in silence as I chat with the team.

"Hey Draco," Pansy sing songs at him as she sits across from him diagonal to me.
"Hello," he says monotone.
"I was thinking we could sit together during the quidditch match later," she smiles.
"I'll be with Crabbe and Goyle," he tells her, "you and your roommates can join us."

I sit listening to their conversation, its so blatantly obvious that Pansy has a crush on Draco, or at least his status and money. As I'm listening to them talk, the team gets up to leave and I stand up the follow, but before I can even take one step away Draco grabs my wrist without looking at me. Flint looks at me for an explanation, I just shrug and he nods his head and walks off with the rest of the team. I sit back down on the bench, Pansy scowls at me, it's not unexpected.

"What do you want Draco," I ask him.
"Let me finish my breakfast."

I roll my eyes and sit waiting for him, luckily he was almost finished so I don't have to wait too long. He gets up gestures me to follow him, and we head to the hall way where there's no one around.

"Ok no one is around," Draco says as he is looking around.
"What's so secret that no one was allowed to be around to hear?"
"I'm sorry"
"I'm sorry for being rude last night"
"Why does that have to be a secret?"
"I'm Draco Malfoy"
"Right....., is that all Draco?"
"What's up?"
"I wanted to wish you good luck for your game today, I know you'll win Sky."
"Thank you Draco."
"What are friends for," he quite awkwardly smiles.

I share a smile and we head down to the quidditch pitch, I'm so ready for this game.

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