Chapter 13 - Potions

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When we got into class Draco and I sat next to each other at the front, Crabbe and Goyle came in not long after us and decided to sit next to Draco, I wouldn't be surprised if in the near future they became his personal mindless goons. Shortly after the rest of the class filed in I turned around to watch everyone take their seats, I notice Harry and I give him a small wave, he awkwardly waves back then takes a seat a row or two back next to Hermione. Once the whole class was seated, a teacher I recognised as our head of house and potions teacher: Professor Snape.

"There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class as such I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art of potion making however for those select few who possess the predisposition I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses I can tell you how to bottle fame brew glory and even put a stopper in death," Snape looks behind me to look at Harry who seems to be doodling in his book, "then again some of you may have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention."

Hermione elbows Harry (I can't help but chuckle).

"Mr Potter, our new celebrity, tell me, what would I get if I added powered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood."

Both mine and Hermione's shoot up, the smart arse she is probably stayed up all night learning the whole textbook, me I just knew anyway, I'd found what I now realise was my dad's potion textbook as a kid and the silly little potions I thought sounded really interesting are actually real.

"You don't know? Well let's try again," Snape directs at Harry, "where Mr Potter would you look if I asked you to find a Bezoar?"

Again mine and Hermione's hands go straight up, a Bezoar is found most commonly in the stomach of a goat it is a small stony concretion and was once used as an antidote for various ailments but not anymore with the advancement of medicine.

"I don't know sir," Harry is very timid and embarrassed at this point.

"And what is the difference between monkshood and wolfbane?"

"I don't sir."

Hermione's arm looks like it's trying to tear itself off, I mumble they isn't one and they are alternative names for aconite.

"Pity, clearly fame isn't everything is it Mr Potter?"

Draco turns around and smirks at him.

"Also Miss Lupin-Black don't be under the impression I can't hear you mumble, 10 points to Slytherin for the correct answer, I won't acknowledge your answers in future if you don't try to to actively participate."

"Yes Sir." I'm embarrassed but pleased to have won house point.
"Well done Sky," Draco mumbles.

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