Chapter 32 - Reply

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Dear Sky,
I hate to admit it but you did get me for a second,
I'm glad you like it,
And there is no need to repay me,
The price of it was pennies in comparison to my family's wealth,
I hope you had a nice Christmas,
I'll see you when I'm back at Hogwarts,
I'm excited to see you :),
Best wishes Draco.

I read the letter Draco sent in response and it makes me happy to see he is excited to see me. I take another look at the necklace, the dragon pendant is made up entirely of some sort of green gem stone but I can't quite tell what.

I know Draco said I didn't have to repay him, but I have an idea. I grab some parchment and a quill and make my way out of the Slytherin common room. I make my way to the secret areas me and Draco found in turn, writing notes about how to access them and also a brief description of the area they start and end so that I can make a map of the castle and all of the secret areas we found. I spent a few hours exploring the castle until it was time for tea because there was so few people in the Hall I ended up sitting with Harry and Ron.

"Hey Sky," Harry says smiling as I sit down next to him.
"Hey Harry," I smile back at him, "do you know when people are coming back the school?"
"To be honest with you I'm not sure," he looks at Ron to see if he knows he just shakes his head, "I am sure that Hermione will be on our backs about Flamell though when she's back."
"I can't believe we haven't found anything."
"Ron have you even looked since she left?" I ask.
"Well... you see... we've been... and you... and..." he stutters.
"You haven't have you?" He sakes his head, "right then here's the plan, you two come to the dungeons under Harry's cloak this evening just before curfew so I won't told off for waiting outside, then I'll join you two and we'll all head to the library."
"Do we have to?" Ron complains.

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