Emilia 12??

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Emilia's POV
"Happy birthday Emilia!" Esme screamed as she ran into my room and threw a bowl of freezing cold water over my head.
"Es!" I screamed as I quickly jumped out of my bed from pure shock of the ice cold water.
"Your 12 now Em, you gotta get used to it!" Dad said as he came in vlogging. "my baby's growing up!" He then fake cried as he hugged Emilia.
"Can you all get out so I can get ready for school?" I said as I guided both dad and Esme out of my room. They both left so I put on my school shirt, jumper and skinny fit trousers ( pros of having a super fashionable mum) then shoved my blazer on, grabbed my school bag and made my way down the stairs.
"Happy birthday!" Wardo screamed as I walked into the kitchen/dining area.
"Thanks Ed!" I said back. All us kids had short names for each other, I'm Em, Esme is Es, Eduardo is Ed, and Ellie-May is El. The new baby is still yet to be named so we will have to create a nickname for them too.
"Present time!" Dad screamed like an excited three year old at christmas as he pointed to a large pile of presents on the table.
"Where should I start?" I asked excitedly.
"The top Emilia, and then go down." Mum said as she cooked pancakes for breakfast. That's our birthday tradition, pancakes!
I slowly opened all of my presents, looking at them all as I opened them. I had received a lot of money, clothes, and a few hair and make-up things from my younger siblings.
After eating my lovely pancakes and opening all my presents it was time to go to school. Luckily this year my birthday fell on a Friday so mum said I could have a sleepover with Millie tonight. Dad of course insisted on driving us to school in the Maserati as he thinks it makes both Esme and myself seem cool. We haven't told him yet that no one actually cares.
"Happy b-day!" Millie screamed as she ran up to me in our form room. Another girl called Amelia passed me a gift bag which was filled with different lush bath products.
"Thanks Amelia!" I said as I took her inky a tight hug.
Today can only get better.
"Hey you guys!" Dad said as we walked up to him after school.
"Hi dad!" I said, trying not to make this seem any more awkward then it already was.
"My baby girls all grown up!" He said as he pretended to cry again.
"You said that before dad, and can you stop being strange please!" I replied as I noticed that Millie was laughing and Esme had entered the car.
"Is dad being embarrassing?" She asked and she looked straight at Millie who was now having her own little laughing fit in the back of the car.
"Yeah!" I said and dad started up the car and started to drive us home.
"Your not frightened of dogs are you Millie?" Dad asked worriedly.
"Nope, I love dogs!" She replied.
"Good! Because we have four of them!" Dad replied. We did have six but unfortunately Albi and Sina passed away from old age. All the dogs are getting old now but I have no idea how mum and dad are going to deal with Theo, Bianca, Nuvola, and Nivea passing away.
Then after a very embarrassing conversation about my love of palace pets when I was younger we were home. One thing I noticed though was that the Zalfie car was in the driveway. I could sense that Millie knew who the car belonged to but I decided bit to say anything as I didn't want to excite her too much. I decided to let her walk in after Esme and her face when she saw Zoe and Alfie sat in our kitchen talking to mum was priceless.
"It's Zoella and PointlessBlogg!" She whispered into my ear excitedly.
"I know!" I whispered back. " just try and be confident and say hi. They are the same people from their videos, they are really nice!"
"Hi!" Millie just about managed to squeak as she continued to look in awe at Alfie.
"Hey!" Mum, Alfie and Zoe said which made Millie even more excited.
"Let's go and put your stuff in my room!" I said, Millie quickly followed me out of the kitchen and up the stairs into my room. We then both got changed out of our school uniforms and into skinny jeans and tops.
"Right how so I react to Zalfie??" Millie asked.
"Just either try to engage in the conversation or stay quiet. It worked for Esme!" I said whilst trying to keep my voice down so they couldn't hear us down stairs.

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