My babys growing up!

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Anna's POV
"Good morning friends!" I smiled into the camera as I leant down to pick up Eva. "Today is a very sad day as Wardo is turning 11. I know I should be happy and stuff but he's my only boy so he's my baby. And now he's 11 he's starting secondary school! He's just growing up so fast, it's crazy!"
By the time I had finished my little rant I had made it into Eduardo's room. His little light that he got on his first christmas was on in his light blue room and it gave the room a beautiful glow. Eduardo's little body was still tucked up in bed so I decided to wake him up the traditional SACCONEJOLY way.
"Good morning again,my little friendliest friend!"I sang as I pulled off Eduardo's covers.
"You've not sang that in a while!" Eduardo smiled as he sat up in his bed. He saw that I was vlogging so he started chanting." It's my birthday, it's my birthday!"
"I have told them Ardo! And what happens when you get to 11?" I asked as I span the camera around to him.
"You have to go to big school!" He sighed as he dragged himself out of bed. Honestly he isn't even a teenager yet and we are already having trouble getting him out of bed on a morning!
"Please don't start complaining again Wardo!" I sighed as I started to walk out of his room. "The next few months are going to be a real struggle! Esme has her GCSE exams coming up so she's really stressed and then to top it all off Eduardo has induction days and he's in a mood because he has to start high school! So sorry if the vlogs are really weird and just mashed up!" I said into the camera.
I slowly walked down the stairs to find Jonathan making breakfast for once. I decided not to complain though and I just sat silently and watched him. Eventually he finished cooking and called all the kids down to the table where we had all of Eduardo's presents ready for him to open. All if the kids flew down the stairs and quickly got their seats and started digging into their pancakes. Eduardo looked super happy like usual and Esme looked really stressed and tired from all of her late night studying.
"Tired?" Jonathan asked as he took another piece of pancake and plopped it in his mouth. Esme just nodded.
"You will ace those exams Es!" I said. "No matter what the outcome is we will still be super proud of you!"
After breakfast Wardo decided that we should go to blue water for his birthday so we all got ready to go shopping. That's one thing I'm thankful for, all of the kids (apart from Jonathan) enjoy shopping.
"Look at these little cuties!" I smiled into the camera before panning the camera round to show Ellie-May fast asleep on Esme's back as we all walked around Morrisons, getting our good shopping. "Ellie-May is super tired and Jonathan is carrying Eva so Esme said that she would carry Ellie."
"Is she actually asleep?" Esme asked as she tried to look over her shoulder.
"She's out for the count!" Jonathan laughed. As we turned down the medication isle Emilia started screaming the lyrics to 'happy little pill' at the top of her lungs which of course made everyone laugh and stare at us, but who cares, family truly means everything!

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