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Esme's POV
"Daddy!" Ellie-May screamed as she kept into dads arms.
"El!" Dad screamed back as he got his vlogging camera out. "You ready for trick-or-treating tonight?"
"Yeah! Can I get my costume on already?" She asked dad sweetly.
"We have to wait until after dinner! Then Esme and Emilia are going to take you."
"Can you come daddy?"
"I can if you want me too. But before that you have to get dressed up."
Mum then served up the pasta dish which she had made for dinner and I watched as both Ellie-May and Eduardo both ate their pasta as quick as they could. Dad found the funny side of the two youngest kids eating fast as they thought they would go trick-or-treating sooner. once we all had finished all is kids ran up the stairs to get into our costumes. I took this as a great time to drain some emotion out of me.
Yet again I locked both doors, the one into my room then the one into my en suite. I had my blade out ready and I slowly dragged it over my lower arm, I cut four times and then ran my arm under the cold water tap. my scarlet blood mixed with the water leaving a light browny red liquid going down the drain. I then dried of my arm and went to get ready.
I had chosen to go as the angel of death so I put on a black skater dress and my black ballet pumps. As my dress was short sleeved I put some festival bands around the scars. the old scars have faded a lot so only my newest ones are visible. I grabbed my black angel halo and a black cardigan incase it got cold and I ran down the stairs to find my siblings in the living room all waiting for mum to do face paint and stuff. Ellie-May was already sat having her hair braided as she was going as a zombie Dorothy. Mum quickly put me on make up duty, adding a lot of blood to Wardo as he was a vampire and making Emilia very pale as she was a vampire. whilst mum and I were working hard dad just watched from the sidelines as he vlogged us. I was then put on to do Ellie-Mays make-up which was just black eyes a pale face and a big blood splat. Mum then had to do my make-up as I couldn't get my eyes the way I wanted them. I wanted them to be super dark and gloomy but I couldn't get the effect. Mum managed to get it strait way and then soon enough we were all out the door.
It was quite cute walking around the streets with the Eduardo,Ellie-May and Emila. The two youngest were doing the trick-or-treating and Emilia and I were just the "responsible" adults, although neither of us actually are adults and we both probably looked like we were trick-or-treating as we both had full on costumes and make-up. It was so cute to see my younger siblings faces light up though as they slowly see their trick-or-treat buckets slowly start to fill up. by the end of the night I ended up carrying Ellie-May home as she had gotten so tired. Mum and dad seemed pleased to see us when we finally came as they had forgotten to take a picture. Oh typical parenting! Dad then took Ellie-May and Wardo up to bed and Emilia went to watch YouTube in her room which left me and mum alone downstairs.

Anna's POV
I slowly opened my arms out as Jonathan took the kids to bed. I then encapsulated Esme into a hug and she started crying into my shirt. I could feel my top getting soaked but I honestly didn't care, my daughter is suffering here so even if my top gets ruined it doesn't matter. After about 5 minutes of her crying into my top she looked up.
"It's ok to cry sweetheart!" I stated as she leant out of the hug.
"I know. I just don't want Emilia, Ellie-May or Eduardo to see me like this. I want all the kids to have the fun loving Esme, the one that Emilia got as she was growing up." She answered still crying. all of her black make-up had ran down her face with her tears. I hated to see my little girl like this, she looked so innocent and her eyes look empty, like she has no belonging in life. I hate having to see her battle with depression.
" I know you just want them to enjoy childhood but honestly you don't always have to hide your feelings. You know that you can always talk to me and your dad don't you." I said softly and she slowly nodded. "it's a battle we will get through together, we are here at help you through it, we will always have your back and will always be by your side."

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