Normal day

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Anna's POV
Ellie-May started chewing the end of her pencil then slammed her hands down on the kitchen table, waking up Eva in the process.
"I can't do it!" Ellie-May whined as she chucked her pencil across the room.
"Ellie-May Raphiella Sacconejoly we do not throw things across the room!" I said as I slowly rocked Eva back and forth trying to get her back to sleep.
"But I can't do this question!" Ellie-May continued to whine. Oh the joys of homeschooling an eight year old!
"What you stuck on?" Esme said as she quickly popped her head around the corner.
"This," Ellie said as she pointed to the final page in her year 3 maths text book.
"You do this." Esme said as she quickly scribbled down an answer on a piece of paper. "It's the last week of school before the holidays, keep going!" She cheered as she went back into the living room, probably to get back to one of her books.
"Are you doing your work Eduardo?" I screamed as I picked up the pencil that Ellie-May had thrown across the room.
"Yeah!" He shouted back but I could tell by the tone of his voice that he wasn't.
"Eduardo Jonathan please don't lie to me!" I shouted back. I could hear some light whispering before footsteps started coming down the stairs. Eduardo then appeared in the kitchen.
"Play station?" I asked.
"It was all dad's fault!" He smiled.
"Just get your work done please. Just one week left then you can play play station for hours." I smile back.

Esme's POV
"Dad can I come with you to pick up Em?" I asked as dad grabbed his car keys.
"If your coming be quick!" He laughed.
I feels so strange to be out of school before the rest of your siblings. All the other kids still have school but because I have finished my GCSEs I finished over a month ago. It's quite nice though as I am able to bond more with Eva and just chill. The constant stress isn't in my head anymore so I can really just relax and be calm.
"And the Em- bear is back!" Dad joked as Emilia jumped into the car. As usual dad had the camera out.
"Can you stop calling me different nick names!" Emilia laughed.
"Ok Em-bob, I'll stop it Beba." dad giggled.
"Seriously dad," Emilia said, pulling her Serous face.
"You do both crack me up!" I laughed.
Hi guys, so I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for reading my book! I feel really thank full at the moment and I'm sorry for not updating for a week, I have had NO wifi and no 3G. I got one bar of wifi the other day and I almost cried with happiness, I couldn't use the internet but it was nice to have a whole one bar! Also I just wanted to say how happy I seriously am because of you guys reading my book. Also Louis Tomlinson has confirmed that he is going to be a dad, that baby is going to be SOOOO CUTE!!( inner direction we has been unleashed! (Sorry non-directioners!)). And Zayn has dumped Perrie ( what an idiot!) she has only ever stuck by him and now he dumps her for another woman, what an absolute idiot!
I also wanted you guys to know that once summer is over I won't be updating as much as I'm going into the start of key stage 4 and I'm starting my GCSEs, I have chosen some of the subjects with the most work, one subject gives you 8 hours of course work every weekend so I won't have a lot of time to write or even think about ideas, I'm gonna be busy!  I know that a few people on here have been saying about GCSEs and I bet you'll all be sick of hearing it but GCSEs really are important and I want to do well in them as they are really important so Wattpad is going to have to take a backseat. Thanks again guys for being so supportive and kind xxxx
(There are a lot of also's in this little Authors note!)

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