End of school surprises!

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Emilia's POV
"Last day of school!!" Ellie-May screamed as she ran around the house waving her arms around.
"Ellie please stop!" Dad said as he scooped her up into his arms and started tickling her.
"Remember that Emilia finishes early Jonathan!" Mum shouted from upstairs.
"I will remember." Dad screamed back smirking. Let's be honest, I'm gonna be waiting a while to be picked up!
I quickly grabbed my bag which was practically empty and walked towards the car, grabbing an apple on my way. I wish I was Esme right now! She can stay in bed and chill for the whole day whereas I have to go to school and work hard. Once I got to school I sat in form with Millie then I went to my first lesson which was English. The teacher told us that we were watching a movie so we sat and watched ' The lovely bones' ( that film is so good by the way) I found the movie boring though so I sat and played on my phone for the whole lesson. Then in all my other lessons we just watched films and played games. A pretty good day all in all.

"How was the last day?" Dad asked whilst he poked the camera in my face.
"Fine," I said, showing no emotion at all.
"Now Emilia, I know we haven't told you but our plane to vidcon has been changed so we're going tonight." Dad said whilst looking out onto the road, concentrating on driving the car.
"What?? But I haven't even packed yet!" I panicked.
"You have like three hours to pack!" Dad laughed.  Oh he will never understand the needs of a 12 year old girl!

" And how was your last day if school?" I said to Ellie-May and Wardo who were both stuffing their faces with a banana. Oh the things you see when you finish school early!
"I had one literacy lesson." Eduardo laughed. "Done with home school!" He cheered.
"You better go pack though Em-bob!" Dad laughed.
"Stop with the nicknames please!" I yelled as I ran up the stairs and into my bedroom. As I came further towards my bed I saw that mum had laid out some outfits for me to wear. Most of them consisting of denim shorts, t-shirts and converse. I quickly dumped them all into my suitcase an then I moved onto my make-up, throwing all of it into a make-up bag then placing it neatly into my case along with a hair brush and some dry shampoo. After adding some of my own outfits I was done and ready to go. Maybe dad was right, maybe I did just need an hour to pack!
"We have a surprise for you guys!" Mum squealed as dad pulled into the airport car park. All of us kids just groaned, you don't tend to get another answer from us when it's nearly 6pm.
"Z and A are both coming to Sorrento with us!" Dad squealed. Esme, Eduardo and I all cheered but Ellie-May just looked very confused.
"Who is Z and A?" She asked.
" Zoe and Alfie!" I laughed.
"YAYYYYYY!" Ellie-May giggled, making the rest of the family laugh. Eva just gurgled in her case seat.
"Let's get on this plane!" Dad laughed.

It turns out that getting five kids and two adults into a plane is like a military operation. Dad ended up having to get a bag trolly which we piled high with suitcases and whenever we went into a new part of the airport dad insisted on counting us as he didn't want any of us getting lost. When we finally got on the plane everyone started to fight over seats. In the end Esme and I sat together with Eduardo and Ellie-May in front of us and Dad, mum and Eva in the row opposite. I got out my phone and immediately plugged my ear phones in and listened to Troye Sivan. Soon after I had put my earphones in the planes engines started to fire up signalling that the plane was going to take off. I could feel the air starting to dry my skin out as we started to plummet into the air. Everyone around seemed to be so interested in looking out of the windows to see the buildings slowly become smaller and smaller in size. I clutched my phone tightly, terrified  of dropping it. I couldn't feel a panic attack starting though.
"And we are at Vidcon!" Both Esme and I cheered into dads vlogging camera.
"Us kids have a room then mum and dad have a room!" Ellie-May smiled. "Party's every night!" She joked, she obviously didn't remember that dad edits all of the footage. After quickly throwing all my clothes in some draws I collapsed onto my bed to sleep.

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