How was school??

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Eduardo's POV
"So how was school, Wardo?" Dad fake laughed, placing the camera in my face as we waited for Emilia and Esme to finally get out of school.
"Fine." I smiled.
"Any cute girls in your year?" Dad smirked. He turned the camera off and looked at me seriously.
"There is this one girl." I smiled. "She's so nice and she watches the vlogs."
"What's her name? Did you get her number?" Dad asked. He looked interested yet giddy as I told him more.
"Her name is Sasha. She gave me her number. She is so pretty. It's just my first day though! I don't want to go rushing into anything!" I pointed out, dad just gave me a big goofy smile.
"You go for her son. She gave you her number, she likes you. Just take it steady." Dad smiled. "And if you actually do like her, talk to her. My first 'girlfriend' barely knew me, we never spoke then we inevitably broke up!"

I started to laugh. Dad is never this open! He must be either in a really good mood or just really proud for some reason or other.

"And hello miss Emilia, it's nice for you to be punctual again today!" Dad joked as Emilia finally got into the car, closely followed by my oldest sister.
"Well I do apologise that my new maths teacher is a complete and utter idiot!! He thought the bell hadn't gone when clearly it had." She said sarcastically. "It wouldn't be too bad if there wasn't a bell in his class room!" Dad just laughed.

"Ever that happy one eh, Emilia!" I joked. My twelve year old sister just stuck her tongue out at me.

"And how was your fist day back Wardo?" Esme asked with a smirk.

"He got himself a girlfriend!" Dad sung.
"Well done dad! Everyone in the whole school will know by tomorrow! She isn't actually my girlfriend though! So don't start putting things on twitter or facebook! Especially you Emilia!" I explained. I could feel my cheeks getting hotter and hotter by the second.
"What's her name?" Emilia smiled, suddenly happy at the thought of her kid brother having a girlfriend.
"Her names Sasha. But she isn't my girlfriend!" I almost screamed. I could see that dad was trying to stop himself from laughing as he sat in the drivers seat.
"Can you all stop picking on me!" I half smiled.


"So how was school Wardo!" Mum asked, putting her arm around me.
"I wish everyone would stop asking!" I yelled, grabbing my bag and running up to my room so I could get on with my homework.

I could hear muffles of sound from down stairs then someone started knocking lightly on my door. I opened it slowly to see Esme stood with a big bar of dairy milk chocolate.
"Can I come in?" She asked. I slowly nodded and so she sat down on my bed.
"So, this girl," she started.

Here we go!

"Have you got her number?" She continued. I nodded.

"Why don't you ask her to come for dinner sometime? Mum and dad won't mind and it would mean that we all get to meet her." She smiled. I pulled my phone out of my blazer pocket along with the small note she had given me.

"Do you really think she likes me?" I asked whilst typing in my four digit pass code.

"If she gave you her number it's always worth a try! Who knows, ten years from now you could be engaged with a child."
I quickly sent her a simple text.

Hey, it's Eduardo from school. Just wondered if you wanted to come over for dinner sometime? You don't have to if you don't want to! E xx
I showed Esme and she said that it was perfect so I quickly pressed send and just a few moments later a reply arrived.

Hey Eduardo! Id love to! Are you trying to ask me out? S xoxo

"What do I do now!" I asked Esme, my eyes widened as I know that my cover has been blown.
"Here, let me do the talking!" Esme joked. I passed her my phone and before I knew it my sister and Sasha were sending texts to each other like they were best mates!

I really like you! E xx

I really like you too Wardo! S xoxo

Will you be my girlfriend?? E xxx

You already know the answer! S xoxo

Wardos got himself a girlfriend. Sorry but I think this plot twist is so cute! Go Wardo!!!!!!!!!!!! Also Emilia's teacher is based off my maths teacher. They make me late to everything!
Also #seduasha

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