Chapter Thirty Four: Harvey's Beastmen Mark

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I could hardly believe last night was real. However, as I looked down at my love, there she was, curled up, naked, and asleep.

I didn't go right to sleep, as she dozed off last night from being tired. I felt guilty for losing control. I didn't have any emeralds to feed her, but I did have a good amount of transparent crystals.

I fed her a few to help with any pain, fatigue, and grogginess. I acquired them mainly from being with females in the last month of their pregnancy or when they were really sick.

Also, during my travels, when stronger beastmen killed Giant Beast for strength, not crystals, I picked them up. I also acquired them by visiting other villages and sharing my knowledge.

She didn't wake up, at all as I prepared a bath, washed her up, and changed the furs. There was some blood from last night, but I didn't panic like I normally would. It was quite normal for females' first times to result in some bleeding.

I didn't even think to look for my mark because I was basking in awe and love for her, holding her in the tub. I probably should have put some clothes on her, but I wanted to revel in her beauty in all its glory, feeling somewhat selfish and greedy.

Her body was so perfect, I loved every part of her. Her rich brown skin tone always caught my attention, and the way her dark hair cascaded over her was just right. She was plush and soft everywhere. One of my favorite features, outside of her smile and the obvious, was her stomach.

I laid my head on it; it was soft and pudgy, and I rubbed it to my content, while I held her until I drifted off to sleep when I got back in bed last night from cleaning up.

I knew where my mark would end up, but I still wanted to see it. As I searched her body, my eyes widened.

There it was-me in my leopard form, lying in peace with my head on my two front paws, guarding her heart in the curve of her breast over her heart.

I was shocked. Part of it was anxiety about where it was located, even though I knew she loved me with her whole heart. But mainly, it was because beastmen marks aren't usually in color. Most are a grayish outline of the beast, and only some have color if they represent a creature like a snake or a peacock.

However, it's still usually a silhouette in color. This was literally lifelike and in full color, and it was pretty big compared to the usual. I felt my heart burst. What did it mean? Did she love me like that? Was her love for me this full? Did the Beast God have his eyes on her specifically? I stumbled and felt a chill fall over me, a lump forming in my throat. I felt anxious and wanted to wake her up, but I resisted, allowing her to have her rest. I went to make her food and get her products and clothes ready for her until she woke up. My mind valleys away.

As I stirred awake, the smell of food reached me, and I expected my body to be in a lot of pain, given the intensity of last night. It was pleasurable in many ways, but very painful. However, to my pleasant surprise, while there was some small lingering ache, it wasn't unbearable. I felt rejuvenated.

Shifting onto my back, I enjoyed the sensation of air against my skin. It was then that I realized I was naked, and remarkably clean. So was the bed, it had a new fur on it. Harvey must have taken care of me and everything else last night.

A warm smile spread across my face, and I felt truly cherished. Then, my thoughts turned to his mark. Just as I was about to sit up and look for it, Harvey entered the room with a tray of food.

He entered with a radiant smile, his eyes locked onto me like I was his entire world. He looked so beautiful, practically glowing.

Giggling to myself, I couldn't help but revel in the afterglow. Hehe, seems like baby gurl did her thing last night and gave him a glow-up, I thought to myself, riding high on the feeling, and slapped my knee.

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