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Tomioka's POV:




I was on the phone with my friend, mitsuri. We were talking about how we should be getting our special abilities today. Some people will be getting more than one special ability. They could be getting up to ten of them.

'KYAAAA, Tomioka-san! I hope I get more than one ability!!' Mitsuri shrieked into my phone, I pulled the phone away from my ear. 'Y-yeah! I'll just be happy with whatever ability.. that I get..' I said quietly.

Me and mitsuri are pretty much opposites. I enjoy sitting in my room, and she enjoys going outside, I don't have any other friends other than her and muichiro. She has plenty of friends.

I'm quiet and shy, and mitsuri, however, is loud and very social. I'm a very introverted person with mental disorders. She is a very extroverted person with mental disorders.

Either way, we are polar opposites. 'Hey, tomioka, you should come hang out with me, my girlfriend and my friends!' Mitsuri offered. 'Uh- i-im not entirely sure..' I said, trying to politely decline.

'Oh, come on! We are doing a karaoke night tonight, and then we are doing a sleepover at my house!' Mitsuri said, I instantly got excited. 'A sleepover at your house?!' I asked excitedly.

I loved mitsuris' house, her parents are so nice and I love her little brother. 'Yes! But you can only come if you go to karaoke night!' She said, I thought about it, then replied. 'I'll come! Just pick me up.' I agreed, feeling a pit in my stomach.

'Great! I have to go now, be ready by 7:30!' She said, then hung up the phone.

I got anxious, feeling my anxiety rise in my chest. I looked like a mess since I hadn't gone out in a few weeks. I decided to go take a shower and wash my hair.




After my shower, I got changed and went downstairs. I saw my sister in the kitchen, probably deciding to make dinner. 'Hey yuu,' She said, turning to me. 'Huh, oh hi tsu,' I said, walking up beside her. 'You don't need to make dinner for me, I'm going out with mitsuri and her friends,' I said, and she gasped. 'My baby brother is going outside?! The world must be ending!' She said, acting dramatic.

I rolled my eyes playfully, 'I'm only going cause afterward, I'm spending the night at her house again with her friends,' I said, and she smiled. 'Can I have my fiance over then?' She asked, playing with my hair.

'I don't care either way, but now you can be as loud as you want.' I said playfully. Tsutako blushed and shoved me away, 'you shut up! You're not even old enough to be talking about that!' She said, covering her face.

'Oh, come on - I'm already 22' I said, and she gasped. 'Already! You've grown so much!' She gasped, acting dramatic again.

Well, she was being all dramatic, mitsuri knocked on the door, then opened it. 'I AM HERE!' She yelled, running up to tsutako and giving her a hug. 'HI TSU, HI YUU' she then gave me a hug and dragged me outside.

'Don't be too loud, tsu!' I said, and she blushed and flipped me off. I immediately went silent as I saw that people were in mitsuri's car. I turned pink, and then mitsuri shoved me into the backseat.

I buckled my seatbelt, just to put it short. mitsuri should not have her driver's license. I looked beside me. It was a white-haired man with beautiful scars. He turned over to me, his expression cold. 'Uhm, do I have something on my face or...?' He said. He sounded so rude.

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