The tokitos

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Tomioka pov:

Yuichiro was a muichiros only family member, other than a nice old man who lived a bit away. We were in Tokyo, and he lived in Russia, I'm pretty sure it was his grandpa? Maybe.

I hugged yui, and he smiled softly as he hugged me back. I, of course, was his favorite. I'm just better, well.. It's probably worse.

I mean, I'm not really good at anything, so I don't get how I could be the favorite. Maybe I was just too full of myself? God, it's tiring to think of myself.

'Tomioka!' I heard somebody snap. Yuichiro was standing in front of me and waving at my face. 'Oops,' I said quietly with a shy smile.

I heard a phone buzz in my pocket, and I went to pick it up. "Unknown number" who was it?

I answered and held it up to my ear without a word. 'Hello?' I heard a voice say on the other end of the phone.

I couldn't recognize the voice. Who was it? 'H-hi?' I said, almost as a question as the twins looked at me in confusion.

'Hi nezuko!' I heard another voice say. He sounded kind of retarded, maybe sped?

'Do I sound like a nezuko to you?' I asked with an expressionless face. 'Shit- sorry, wrong number.. my bad!' The voice panicked.

'I-im not a nezuko.. but I am a tomioka, what about you?' I asked dryly. 'I'm tanjiro kamado! Nezuko is my younger sister. She is with her girlfriend, so I wanted to check in on her!' The voice became even more, if possible, retarded.

'I-im going now,' I said, then hung up. 'What the fuck?' I heard the twins say in unison as I shrugged. 'Anyway, tomioka, you're burning up.. do you want some medicine?' Yuichiro spoke as he grabbed my hair to pull me down, feeling my head.

'I-im not sick,' I said, pulling away quickly.


'Stop it! You're hurting him!' I heard a 15 year old tsutako say.

'Goddamn boy needs to be taught a lesson! He didn't even ask if he was aloud to be sick!' A loud man said yanking on arm enough to lift me off the ground. I was 5 at the time.

'Ow! You're hurting me!' I cried, trying to pull my arm away. 'Get in there, boy!' The angry man yelled as he shoved me into a closet.
'He is just 5! How the hell are you even supposed to ask to be sick anyway?! It's a bodily function that likes asking somebody if you're allowed to sneeze or not!' Tsutako protested, trying to move him away from the closet door.

I heard a click sound. Now I know I was locked in the closet, I was probably going to be locked in the closet for a while.

I coughed into my hand, my throat aching.

'Tsutako!' I cried, banging against the door. 'Giyuu!' She said, trying to break the lock off. I heard a high-pitched yelp come from her and a thud.

Moments later, I heard cries of pain, I could see he was using the heated up metal spoon on her.

He heated up a metal spoon in the stove and then hit us with it till we were left with 2nd degree burns.

Flashback ended:

'God, tomioka!' I heard muichiro cry out as he shook me. 'Oops,' I said once more. 'Anyway, you definitely are sick.. want to go rest in the guest room upstairs?' Yuichiro asked as muichiro started shoving me toward the upstairs.

'Is there a closet?' I asked. He nodded, and I felt kind of relieved.

Although every time I was sick, I was locked in a closet, I felt safe in there.
Everything I was in the closet they couldn't hurt me, a closet was my safe space.

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