feel any better..?

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Tomiokas pov:

I woke up after a long day of hanging out with the others. Sanemi and genya had spent another night, thank God.

(Trigger warning!!)

I suddenly felt sick to my stomach, and I got up rushing to the bathroom. I opened the door and vomited into the toilet. Shutting my eyes in pain as more came up. I gagged over the toilet, wiping my mouth with toilet paper.

I ly back against the tub, feeling drained.

God, why me?

I don't like being sick.

I heard a light knock on the door, which surprised me. 'Giyuu.. let me in.' I heard a voice say from the other side.

'Mhmm,' I hummed, crawling over to the door and unlocking it. Yuichiro stepped inside. 'Are you okay? Do you want any gravil?' He asked, and I nodded. Feeling sick again, I leaned over the toilet and threw up. Yuichiro held my hair back, putting it into a ponytail.

I groaned, slumping onto the floor and curling into a ball.
'You okay now, giyuu?'
He asked while he stroked my hair. I nodded and went to stand up. Using the sink to support me.

I had to go up to the guest room instead of lying on the couch with the others. At least the guest room had a bathroom.

I think I want to shower anyway, now that everything was out of my system. I went to the guest rooms bathroom, getting undressed.

I slowly let my hair cascade down my back, grabbing shampoo and conditioner so I could wash my rats' nest.

I wasn't able to shower during the trip, so I just used the leave in shampoo and conditioner. My hair became extremely greasy because of that.

I ran the water, turning it hot, hot. When I first got in, I winced at the burning sensation, though I got used to it.
I sat down in the tub, curling my knees up to my chest.

After a little while, I decided to go from a shower to filling up the tub. Just so I didn't have to stand to wash my hair. I put the shampoo in, using almost the whole bottle.

I was singing to myself some random songs that came into my head. 'He's so tall and handsome as hell,~' I hummed while I scrubbed the shampoo into my scalp.

'I feel it coming out my throat~ guess I better wash my mouth out with soap~ God, I wish I never spoke. Now I gotta wash my mouth out with soap~ "I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair, putting in the conditioner next.

'I don't give a fuck about you anyways~ whoever said I gave a shit bout you, you never share your toys or communicate- guess I'm just a playdate to you~'

I sighed, getting out ofcthe bathtub and wrapping a towel around my waist.

I had left my clothes on the bed so I left the bathroom. The moment I got out, I saw sanemi sitting on the bed.

He looked up at me, and we locked eyes, his face going all flush.
I felt my face heat up as well. 'O-oh! Tomioka- you're done showering..' He said, getting off the bed and walking closer to me.

'Feel any better?' He asked, grabbing my waist. I turned my face away and nodded in embarrassment.
He used his finger, so I faced him.

I suddenly felt suffocated as I felt his lips on mine. It wasn't really a bad suffocation, but I didn't like it.. unless.. nope! I don't like it! My mind is just tricking me!

He bit my lower lip, making me let a small moan slip through.
He slid his tongue into my mouth, exploring it.
I couldn't tell whether to deepen the kiss or pull away.

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