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Tomioka pov:



I just sat there, angry. I was signing to iguro well mitsuri, and Shinobu finally woke up.

"Did you pay sanemi to be nice to me?" I signed to mitsuri as soon as she woke up. She rubbed her eyes before tilting her head, 'say that one more time?' She asked.

"Did you pay sanemi to be nice to me?" I signed once more. Mitsuri hesitated before she had finally nodded. 'Are you mad?' She asked, "no" I signed. She nodded and then went back to her cheery mood.

'UH guys.. what's a death note?' Muichiro said suddenly. I turned over to him with a shocked expression. 'It's from the animal death note, why?' Shinobu asked, looking at him. 'Well, I have it, a weird demon guy creature thing also just prepared behind me' muichiro said I looked at him shocked.

I shook my head, trying to tell him to put the book down. 'Muichiro, whoever name you write in the death note dies,' Shinobu said, and muichiro looked shocked. 'It must be his ability,' mitsuri said, I nodded, agreeing with her.

'Shch a stupid ability,' sanemi said, snarling. I glared at him, and I could sense fear. Everyone claimed down once muichiro put it in his bag carefully. 'So who is this guy? He is saying his name is Kyoko,' "muichiro said.

'Just ignore him. He can't leave till you destroy the notebook, or you die,' Shinobu said, and muichiro just looked in his bag for a few minutes, then looked back, shrugging.

'I'll just save it for now,' he said, and we all nodded. 'Do you guys want to go somewhere?' Iguro asked, twirling a piece of his hair and then letting go. 'I don't know, I'm really bored.' Shinobu said. 'We should all go to the arcade!' Mitsuri suggested and picked out a few clothes and threw them at Shinobu, then picked some for herself. She dragged Shinobu to the bathroom, I mean, I knew they were going to be making out, but it was still pretty gross.

I sighed and looked at iguro, pointing to my bag. 'Do I have clothes?' He asked, I nodded, and he shook his head. 'No, I didn't bring a spare,' he said. I went through my bag, digging for a pair of clothes that would suit him.

While i dug inside my bag, I knocked my inhaler and pocket knife out. I scrambled to pick them up, accidently cutting myself with my knife.

I shoved them into my bag and just sucked on my finger, tossing clothes to iguro. 'UH okay, do I change into them?' He asked, I nodded, and so did he. Sadly, iguro had to wait outside the bathroom for like five minutes due to shinomitsu.

I took my finger out of my mouth, realizing I cut a chuck of the tip off. I went to stick it back into my mouth again before a hand grabbed it. 'Are you stupid?! You don't suck on wounds!' Sanemi said, grabbing a small handkerchief from his pocket and wrapping it around my finger.

'Your going to get a fucking infection! Stupid fucking idiot!' He kept on going on and on. After he put the cloth on my finger, I ripped my hand away and went to muichiro to take care of it.

Muichiro wrapped my finger after treating it. Sanemi was side-eyeing me with an unreadable expression.

I heard the door open, and in came a messy haired Shinobu and a very happy mitsuri.

Mitsuri had smudged lipstick, and Shinobu had lipstick marks all over her neck and face.

I smiled, pointing to them. "You guys sure had fun," i signed, and mitsuri blushed, nodding. I just sat there. Well, we waited for iguro, and muichiro had already changed inside of mitsuris closet.

We went inside mitsuris car and I went into my usual seat. I stared out of the window as we drove off. It was about a 25-minute drive to the arcade from mitsuris' house.

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