camping trip.. night 4

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Tomioka pov:

I woke up, checking my phone for the time. It was 7:30 am now. I went to get up, but a pair of strong arms held me tight.

'Mm..' I groaned, trying to get up. '..hmm.. s-stopp..' I heard a voice mumbled out. I looked, and it was sanemi, I had fallen asleep on his chest.

He looked cute, his cheeks a rosy pink from the cold autumn air, his hair was a mess.

I smiled, looking at his sleepy face. I tried to get out of his hold again, but he pinched me. 'Ow..' I said quietly.

I managed to wiggle out of his hold. I got my bag and got dressed, putting my swim trunks on under my clothes.
I brushed my hair, putting it back in its ponytail.

I went out of my tent to see if the others were awake, only iguro was.
'Goodmorning tomioka, how was your sleep with sanemi?' Iguro asked, smirking and implying something. "What do you mean?"
I signed to him. 'You knowww.. I mean, you guys slept togethherrrr right??' He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Yeah, I mean, we slept in the same tent, but I didn't get it. "I don't get it.. we did sleep in the same tent, I thought you knew that?" I signed to him.

'Gosh, you too innocent for this world!' He said, and his snake slithered toward me. I looked at the snake, and suddenly, he started slithering up my leg onto my neck. I tensed up, feeling his cold scales against my skin.

'Hissssss' the snake hissed in my ear. 'No, kaburamaru, bad!' Iguro said, taking the snake off my neck.

"What'd he say?" I signed with a puzzled expression. 'He says that you and sanemi should
have... nevermind,' iguro said, looking away and avoiding my gaze.

I just shrugged and pointed to his mask. "What's under it?" I signed. 'My bandages?' He asked, and I nodded.

'Eh.. just a scar, nothing special,' he said. "Can I see? Scars are cool!" I signed, and he nodded. He unwrapped his bandages, and I saw a scar that looked like a smile.

'I-its.. pretty,' I said, mustering up the courage. 'Thank you, your hair is very pretty,' he complimented. Iguro was like my best friend, well not yet, at least.

"Are we friends? I mean you wouldn't want to be friends with me but I hope you don't mind and that we can still be friends like I want to be your friend
But I'm really useless and an ugly loner, so I'm not sure why you'd want to be friends me anyway -" I signed really fast overthinking. 'We are friends, your like my brother,' iguro said with a smile while putting on his bandages again.

I stopped pverthinking and smiled as well.




Everybody was getting ready to go to the beach, and we all hiked down without me using my ability this time.

We hopped in the car, and my head went against the window, pulling my phone out and texting my sister.

Me: Hey tsu, you up?

Tsu💗: Oh heyy baby!

Me: I'm 22 now, stop claing me baby. It's embarrassing 😳

Tsu💗: But you're my little babyyy. You're so sweet!

Me: mhmmm sureee

Tsu💗: You're going to be home in three days, right?

Me: Yep! I can't wait to see you again, I'm missing you.

Tsu💗: Aw, my baby is so sweet, I miss you too!

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