camping trip.. 6th night..

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Tomioka pov:

I woke up, sanemi was lying on my lap, and had my hand wrapped around his arms.

I lifted his head gently, making sure not to wake him up.

I sighed, getting changed into a pair of black sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. It had a skull on it, and the word "revenge" was written on it in Japanese.

I smiled, remembering last night, sanemi told me he loved me.

I left the tent, walking up to mitsuri and Shinobu, who were sitting by a big fire.

'Oh, tomioka! I'm really sorry but we won't be able to do anything today!' Mitsuri said with a sorrowful look spread amongst her face. 'Iguro and muichiro are both sick. They are sharing a tent right now if you want to go check on them'

Shinobu said, pointing to muichiros tent. I looked over, seeing movement. I decided to go say hello and I opened the tent.

'Tomiokaaaa I'm dyingggg' muichiro whined as I stepped inside. I smiled as he seemed to still be alive. Iguro, on the other hand, he was asleep with his mask on. His snake was in a cage that I guess iguro put him in.

I walked over, feeling both of their heads. Iguro seemed to have a higher fever than muichiro. 'What's.. what's wrong?' I asked as I retracted my hands away.

'I just feel ill, like a stomach ache and a headache. Iguro said he felt nauseous and had a migrane.' Muichiro said, and I nodded.

I felt bad that they had gotten sick instead of me, like they should be able to have some fun.

'His snake.. why in the cage?' I asked, pointing to kaburamaru, who was trying to get to iguro. 'The girls are scared of him. He has to be kept in a cage.. I don't think he likes it very much though' muichiro said, looking at kaburamaru.

I telelporyed kaburamaru around my neck, taking him out of the cage.

'Hissss,' I heard him say, and I smiled. 'Hello, kaburamaru,' I said, petting the snakes head. He went over to iguro, curling up on his chest.




I had to teleport kavuramaru back into the cage before I left the tent, though I moved the cage closer to iguro.

I left the tent going out to sit by the girls.

I quickly turned towards my tent. I saw them down eachothers throats.
I opened my tent, seeing that sanemi was still asleep.

I sat on my blanket, putting on some music and plugging my earphones in.

I turned it up, listening to this random song. I hummed along to it, putting my hairdown and dancing around my tent.

Sanemi pov:

I felt a lot of moving, I thought that tomioka was having another bad sleep. I opened my eyes to see him with his earphones in, listening to a random song on his phone and dancing to it.

I decided not to disturb him as he danced his heart away, not caring about a single worry.
I smiled, watching how cute he looked.

I then remembered what I said last night, "I love you," replayed in my head. Tomiokas expression is almost always neutral, so I couldn't understand what he felt in that situation.

I blushed, looking at him fall onto his blanket and laugh.

He sang some random lyrics, 'I feel it coming down, and she said, in my heart and in my head, why does this have to end? Ooh~' he stood up again. He grabbed his hairbrush and used it as a microphone.

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