camping trip.. 3rd night

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Tomioka pov:

I woke up feeling slightly lightheaded. My memories came flooding back to me. I felt so embarrassed as I remembered that I had cried on sanemis shoulder, and he even kissed me!

I can't believe I ended up falling asleep on his shoulder also! I took a look at my what was once broken arm, now healed due to my ability. Honestly, I should just steal rapunzel song.

I got up and got dressed, putting on a pair of sweatpants and an oversized hoodie tying my hair in a ponytail. This was how I usually looked most of the time, nothing new.

I took a sip from my water bottle, and I felt much better.

I sighed, realizing I'd have to see sanemi.. even if he had helped me, he didn't like me.
I don't know what it is about him, but he is like really good at comforting people.

I got out of my tent, im⁷mediately being ambushed by everybody except sanemi. 'Oh, tomioka! Are you okay?' Shinobu
Asked. I nodded. Motsuri asked if I was okay, so did iguro, and so did muichiro.

It was getting overwhelming, and I was starting to feel sick again. I backed up, feeling overwhelmed. I guess muichiro noticed, so he suggested playing a game.

'Let's playyyy... hide n seek!' He said, waving his arms around. I nodded, putting a little smile on my face. 'Okay, soooooo iguro will pick the teams!!' He said, pointing to iguro.

'Two girls on one team, me and muichiro, on the other and the last two on one team.' He said, pointing at everyone.

I nodded again, though I felt anxious. The two girls counted first, and sanemi dragged me into the forest, and the other two boys went down by the lake.

'I got a play, you float me up to the top of a tree, really high up, and then you float up to.. don't overuse your ability, though,' he said, and I nodded.
I touched his, and he floated upwards.

'Release' I said quietly. Then I touched myself.. not inappropriately.

'R-release' I mumbled out while at the top of the tree. I was extremely afraid of heights, and the tree was like 20 feet tall.

I gasped when I looked down, not being able to see the ground. 'Are you afraid?' Sanemi asked. I nodded reluctantly, not being able to lift my head.

'Don't look down, idiot.. just hold my hand, I won't let you fall,' he said, intertwining our fingers together.
I nodded, slowly lifting my head up. When I saw above the trees, I felt my body start to shake from fear.

'Do you want to sit closer to me? I'm not poisonous like Shinobu, you know.' He said, I immediately scooted beside him, clinging onto his arm and closing my eyes.
'God, you're really afraid of heights, aren't you?' He asked, and I shook my head up and down harshly, grabbing his arm even harder than I was before.

'It's okay, I got you, don't be afraid.. just admire the beautiful view,' he said gently.

I nodded and slowly opened my eyes, gazing at the birds that were flying around the trees.

I smiled and loosened my grip on sanemi's arm. I stuck my hand out, and a bird landed on it! My smile grew even bigger.

Suddenly, I looked down and panicked again.

'Oh, come on, it's okay.. don't be such a pussy!'
Sanemi said. Sanemi held my hand tight, jumping off the tree with me clinging onto him with closed eyes. My legs wrapped around his wait, and my arms wrapped his torso.

I hid my face underneath his arm, his arm cradling my head. His other arm was shot up, and suddenly, I felt us being pulled up. We were swinging around. It was sanemis ability.

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