christmas eve..

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Tomioka pov:

A month ago, mitsuri and iguro tried putting up sexy Santa posters on the walls inside of my living room - though they had failed miserably.

Now we got to decorate since it was Christmas Eve. 'Giyuu, are you having Christmas with my family again this year?' Mitsuri asked, but that caused an argument between everybody.

'Oh- but my sister and his sister are dating! He should come to my house for christmas,' Shinobu stated. I looked over at tsutako, who looked kind of nervous.

I'll ask her about it later.

'Oh - but he is MY new best friend,' rengoku said, staring daggers at Shinobu. 'But I want him to eat with us!' Douma and akaza said.

'No- he'll eat with us!' Daki butted in. 'He likes kaburamaru- he should eat with me and my family!' Iguro stated.

'What family?' Tengen asked and laughed.

'Honestly, he should eat with me and rengoku- we could have some fun in the apartment.' Tengen replied to everybody.

'I'm his boyfriend! He will be having christmas with me!'
Sanemi said angrily.

'Uh- I think giyuu will be having christmas we me' tsutako said Trying to prevent any fights.

'What if we all just had christmas here?' Muichiro suggested while he casually set up a Santa poster thay disppayed santa running around in a diaper.

'Great idea!' I replied and put the star on the tree.

'I'll help Sister Bake!' Mitsuri said happily.

'I'll help as well,' Shinobu replied with a smile.

'Oh! I want to try, I've never baked before!' Muichiro said and walked over to the two girls, and tsutako.

'Me and douma can set up decorations outside,' I said, and douma nodded. 'We will buy everything needed, we will also clean the kitchen and living room'

Iguro and sanemi agreed.

'We can be in charge of music' tengen and rengoku stated.

'I'll just sit here and look pretty.' daki said
Waving her long white hair. 'I can get anything we need for a sleepover,' akaza and gyutaro said.

'Everybody else can just make some fun activities to do,' Tsutako said with a happy smile. 'I'm so glad all of your friends want to help!' Tsutako had continued.

'I am glad as well,' I said and walked outside.

'Well, aren't you looking pretty?sanemi said dragging me inside of a little tree for me, mitsuri, and muichiro made when we were younger.

'S-sanemi- not now, at least wait until tomorrow,' I said shyly.

'Oh come on~ you're so pretty!' Sanemi said, kissing my neck, making me moan.

'Come on - it's cold we can at least wait until everybody is gone, after the party everybody will be out of the house anyway,' I said once more.

'You taste good,' sanemi said sucking on my collarbone. 'G-god- sanemi..~ s-stop,' I said, trying to fight the last I had for sanemi.

'Fine, fine - but we will after the party - got that?'  Sanemi asked, pointing a finger at my chest.

'Yes I do - but now I have to help, douma,' I replied.

We walked out of the tree fort, and I went to douma.

We started hanging up lights and blowing up inflatables.

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