camping trip.. 2nd part

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Tomioka pov:

We drove back to our campsite with a rented car a car lent us. the guy that crashed into the car was arrested for driving under the influence, attempted manslaughter and underage driving.

'Tomioka, are you sure you're okay?' Mitsuri asked, I nodded, rubbing my arm in the spot that mitsuri had bandaged. I flinched at the pain I felt.

'Are you stupid?! Don't fucking poke at it!' Sanemi whispered to me. I looked at him with a shocked expression. 'Just leave it alone!' He whispered into my ear again.

I nodded anxiously. 'I think that's the fastest I've sobered up!' Shinobu said, lying her seat back just to annoy iguro.

'Same here, honestly,' mitsuri said. Of course, we were all ignoring the fact that mitsuri is currently drunk driving. 'Anyway, tomiokas abilities are so cool!' Shinobu said, looking back at me. 'You got teleportation and you can see the future, do you have anymore that your hiding?' Shinobu asked with an eyebrow raised.

I nodded my head, and her eyes widened. 'Show us!' She said excitedly. I tapped a near by book that was lying on the ground, and it floated upwards. I put my hands together, 'release' I whispered under my breath.

The book fell and hit the ground. 'Omg, that is so cool!!' She fan-girled over my ability the rest of the car ride.

We got back to the campsite and I went to my tent, just so I could sleep peacefully. Not long after I got in there, the tent door opened, and in came sanemi.

'I have to stay with you the rest of the night. You're so accident prone,' he said, closing the tent back up. I moved aside, giving him my pillow to lay on. 'Huh? Why are you giving me this?' He asked.

'T-to..sleep...' I mumbled out. 'HAH, you take your pillow back, and you can be my pillow,' he said, lying on my lap like the other two times. I gasped when his head hit my lower thighs.

'Did I hurt you?' He asked, looking up at me. I shook my head, lying back down and shutting my eyes.




The next morning, I woke up, and sanemi was still asleep on my legs. I sighed, grabbed my phone, and saw a text from my sister.

Tsu💗: giyuu, are you okay? Mitsuri said, "You got into a car accident well, protecting your friends.

Me: I'm alright, I just have a few cuts

Tsu💗: Okay, but if you need, I can come pick you up.

Me: I'm alright! I want to spend time here and have fun with my friends

Tsu💗: Alright, just text if you need anything.

Me: I will, love you!

Tsu💗: Love you too

I was about to put my phone up when a text from sabito appeared.

Sabi: giyuu, are you alright?

Me: Yeah, why?

Sabi: The crash

Me: Nah, I'm alright, no need to worry

Sabi: I'm not worried about you. I'm worried about the car

Me: asshole

Sabi: jackass

Me: retard

Sabi: dickhead

Me: love you besti 🤑🤑

Sabi: I fuckin hate you.. jk

I smiled reading the text.

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