what the fuck..

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Tomioka pov:

We hopped into yuichiros car, the twins both in the front. They were smiling and giggling together.

I could only tell who is who because muichiro has a small scar on his left ear, yuichiro has a small scar, about the same size, on his right ear. It made it harder for others when they covered the scars.

I could tell anyway because I'm just better, just kidding, I fucking suck.

Anyway, I could just tell because I have known them both since forever. Plus, muichiro has a black beauty mark right by his hair. Normal people can't see it, but it stands out to me.

Maybe my eyesight is just good?

After another 10 minutes, we made it to the park where mitsuri wanted us all to meet. Shinobu and iguro were also there together.

Along with a few other people. Though I thought I recognized somebody.

I shrugged my thoughts off and ran to hug mitsuri and iguro. Shinobu never really liked hugs, so I gave her a high five. After a girl with white hair and green tips spoke, I froze.

I looked over, seeing him with his ugly, hideous smile. The guy with rainbow eyes.

I stood still, him keeping eye contact with me. I could feel the color draining from my body. 'Hey guys, meet my friends, and one of their boyfriends!' Mitsuri pointed to the five.

There'd was a guy with pink hair and a few blue tattoos around his arms and neck. The girl with white hair and green tips. There was a slim boy, his face covered in black bulges. Another man with reddish black hair, his eyes seemed cold and dark.

A girl with long black hair that hung over her eyes. She wore a biwa necklace.

Finally, the man with rainbow eyes. He was a very light blonde. He wore a dark red hoodie and tight black jeans.

His wicked smile, crushing me, scaring me, and breaking me. I walked backward, hiding behind sanemi.
He looked at me in confusion, his face twisting into anger.

He pulled me to his side, wrapping an arm around my waist. Iguro walked beside me, his face also looking twisted with an unreadable expression. 'Ohh~, why is your friend so scared?'
The boy with rainbow eyes said, looking at mitsuri, then towards me.

Everybody looked at me in confusion. 'He has social anxiety. He will eventually get used to you all.. but don't dare try to force him to talk' muichiro and yuichiro said in unison.

'Oh~ twins, so pretty!' The one with rainbow eyes said. 'Douma, cut that shit out. You told me you'd stop' the one with pink hair said elbowing the blondes ribcage aggressively.

I stayed by sanemi the whole time. He was the only one who could actually fight for me and protect me.

The blonde kept trying to get close to me, but sanemi kept him away, so I did the twins. Iguro, mitsuri, and Shinobu were kind of in their own world, a love triangle world, I guess.

'Oh, come on! Let me near him - he seems so friendlyyy~' the blonde hummed as he reached out to grab me.

I held onto sanemi's shirt so tight my knuckles turned white.
I sighed once iguros snake came by and bit the fuckers leg. 'Ow what the fuck!' He said jumping into the pink haired boys arms.

'Ow- douma!' The pink hair boy shrieked while douma clung onto his neck. 'Sorry akaza~' douma said while smile. He eventually dropped from the pink haired boys arms and gave him a peck on the cheek.

They must've been the couple that was dating.

We sat down at a park picnic table, I sat beside sanemi. Iguro and Shinobu were fighting over who got to sit next to mitsuri. She ended up sitting in the middle between the two.

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