camping night 7 pt 2

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Sanemi pov:

I took a glance at our intertwined hands. Tomioka was shaking, so I held his hand.. only out of sympathy.. I think, maybe-ish.

I don't like him, like he is just an emo loner, but maybe. No, no, he wouldn't be a good person to date. Well, I mean.. he does have a good personality, good looks, strong, and decently quiet.. but I don't like him, I think.

Nah, I definitely don't like him.

'Sanemi!' I heard iguro yell and point to my shoulder. Tomioka had fallen asleep on my shoulder, making me blush a little bit.

I mean, he was really cute.. but nope!

I bet he looks even cuter during se- nope! I brushed away all nasty, nasty thoughts that circled around my head. God, this kid was killing me!

'Ooo~ look at sanemi, being all soft!' Shinobu said, looking back at me. 'Shut up, I'm not that big of an asshole,' I replied, clicking my tongue to the roof of my mouth.

'Mhmmmm, but you really are, though,' muichiro said, ruffling my hair. 'Hey, hey! Stop that!' I said as iguro started to tickle me. 'God, you guys are annoying!' I said, trying to hold back laughter.

'Mhmm, you loveee usss,' mitsuri said, smiling. 'Wha- no, I don't!' I yelled at them.
I felt a head move off my shoulder. 'Mm?' I heard a soft voice hum.

'Go back to sleep dickwad!' I said pushing him back on my shoulder. 'Yeahhh so not meann' muichiro laughed at me. 'You guys are all assholes,' I said. 'B-but I do love you..' I mumbled. 'Hmmm, what was that sanemi~? I think I heard that you admit you loveee us~'
Shinobu teased as iguro pinched my cheek.

'You guys are all bullies,' I said, crossing my arms in defense.

About half an hour later, we finally get back to the campsite. Tomorrow, we leave.
I sigh, having to wake tomioka up again.

'Hey, jackass wake up!' I said, shaking him lightly. He groaned but got up reluctantly.
'We are here, and we have to eat something,' I told him as he nodded while he rubbed his eye. He yawned and got out of the car. He has been getting out of the car so fast since I had pushed him out the first day we hung out together. I feel kind of bad..

Maybe I was kind of.. cruel? I mean, it was just how I was raised to be like. Does that mean I'm a dick? I was just raised like my asshole father. I can't be all that bad, I mean.. maybe.

I sighed, realizing that he was with iguro and talking to him through sign language.
I don't know, sign, so I couldn't tell what they were talking about, but they seemed to be smiling and laughing the whole time.. my heart ached.

Why did my heart ache? I'm being over-dramatic. Halloween was soon. Maybe me and him could match? I don't want to ask first, though..

My chest tightened, and my eyes stinged as they hugged. What was this feeling?!

Maybe it was anger..
Could you have been hatred? But to whom? It couldn't be iguro, right? Iguro was my best friend. How could I hate my best friend? Does that mean I hated tomioka? Am I that bitchy that I don't want that loner around my bestfriend?!

God I fucking hate this chest tightening feeling!

I realized they were deep into the woods as I had been daydreaming in the car. What if I got lost?! I don't remember the way back! What the fuck would I do?!

I quickly found myself running into their direction, following by a split path.

Since when was this here?! I tried to shout for them, but they were too far ahead. god, I'm an idiot!

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