special guest..?

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Tomioka pov:

Everybody was on the edge as tengen and sanemi switched seats, and sanemi finally was able to sit next to me.

Sanemi held my hand as we parked. 'Giyuu, we are going to blindfold you,' daki said, pulling a cloth over my face. 'B-but.. w-w-why..?' I asked nervously.

'You won't kill me... right?' I asked, and I heard a few sighs.. probably coming from douma and rengoku.

I was led out of the car by sanemi and taken into the house.
'It feels very bright..' I said quietly, covering my eyes with the palms of my hands.

'Let's go to the living room.. come on,' mitsuri said quietly, leading me to the living room.

We made it to the living room, and we abruptly stopped. 'Uh.. can you unblindfold me now? If you don't, I'll punch whoever touches me next,' I stated, and somebody hurriedly undid my blindfold.

I slowly opened my eyes, a pair of people coming into my view. 'Tsutako.. who are they?' I asked quietly. The lady looked hurt and started to get teary-eyed. 'G-giyuu.. meet mom and dad..' she said, and I froze.

'Why the fuck are they back?!' I asked in shock. 'Look- honey..' My mom said, but I walked up to her.

She looked surprised when I knelt down. 'How the hell can they be our parents?' I asked suspiciously, scanning them.

'They came back.. giyuu' tsutako said, coming over to me and my mother. 'But- they left..' I said quietly, looking at the ground.
My hand is still on my mother's chin.

'You are to take your filthy hands off your mother- scumbag,' my so-called father demanded. 'Now I see the resemblance,' I said quietly.

'What'd you say bray?!' My dad asked, standing up, God he had shrunk.

I got up and off my knees, towering over my father. 'Wow - you've grown,' he said in surprise. 'Well, I'm not seven anymore, though you wouldn't know that.. since you left and all,' I said, bending down to his level.

'You will not speak to me like that!' My father said, shoving me away from him rather aggressively. 'Hey! You can't do that, you crusty man!' Mitsuri said, walking over to me and father.

She was a little bit shorter than him, though. 'Ah- this your girlfriend? I always knew you would get a hot girlfriend,' "Father said, walking closer to mitsuri. 'She isn't my girlfriend - though you wouldn't know'

'So you wouldn't mind letting me have a go with her?' The shameless man asked. 'What the fuck do you mean have a go?!' I asked pulling mitsuri to my side. 'Oh come on - your mother is old now, her on the other end.. she is still young and ripe'

'What the fuck?!' I heard another voice say and come pullsanemi behind him. 'That's my girlfriend- idiot!' Iguro stated, glaring at my father.

'Oh- well, that's too bad. So- son.. do you have a girlfriend?' My mother asked me. 'No,' I said and glared at my dad.

'Yeah- he has a boyfriend,' sanemi said, coming up from behind me and grabbing my hand. 'He also has a lot of friends!' I heard daki say while raising her hand.

'A BOYFRIEND?!' My father questioned angrily. 'You are not gay!' He says once more. '... yeah, he is - I mean, he does have a boyfriend,' "douma spoke, walking up to my dad.

Douma turned invisible but turned visible again right behind my dad. 'Now come on! You wouldn't just not accept your own son.... right?' Douma asked with a creepy smile.

He turned invisible again but reappeared behind me. 'I mean, come on - look how pretty he is, I can't believe he is your son.. you two look nothing alike.' "douma continued speaking.

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