camping trip... night 7

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Tomioka pov:

I woke up, sanemi must've already woke up since he wasn't there.

I went outside to check on muichiro and iguro.
I walked out and saw them all talking by a small fire, though it was windy.

'Speak of the devil,' Shinobu said with a scowl on her face.
'Get out of here, we don't even like you,' muichiro said while side-eyeing me.

I felt shocked, I mean, I knew it was true, but it still hurt to hear. 'Did you not hear us?! Leave!' Sanemi shouted as he walked up to me.

'W-what...?' I spoke, trying to sound loud and strong.

'Your voice irritates me! Get out of here!' Sanemi said, I covered my mouth, not wanting to irritate him anymore, then I've already have.

'S-sorry..!' I said, trying to loud loud.
'You're so annoying! Never touch my snake ever again!' Iguro said, petting his snake.

'We all hate you, go home!' Mitsuri shouted at me. 'Go...home..?' I repeated, feeling a tear roll down my face.

'To-...ka!' They all stared at me, with hatred in their eyes.

'Tom....ik...!' I felt out and placed and far away from everybody.
The hatred in their eyes, my shaking legs, and my broken heart.

'Tomioka!!' I woke up.
Mitsuri was holding me.
'Mitsuri..?' I said quietly, feeling my face.
Three were tears rolling down my face. 'Tomioka, why didn't you wake up for me?!' She yelled worriedly.

'I-i.. I don't..-' I spoke, sanemi was behind her with a worried expression.
'You...won't leave me... right?' I asked quietly.

'No! Why would you ever think that?!' Mitsuri spoke, she looked sad.. did I do that?

'I-im sorry..' I said, looking away from her sorrowful face. 'Y-you don't...hate me?' I asked, looking back up at her. 'No!' She yelled, hugging my tight.




About 15 minutes later, we left the tent, and muichiro and iguro were sitting by the fire along with Shinobu.
'Tomioka? Sanemi told us you weren't waking up,' Shinobu said, walking over to us.

I looked over at sanemi, who was still looking at me with a worried expression.

I looked away and sat down next to muichiro.
'You two boys, do you feel any better?' Mitsuri asked, pointing to iguro and muichiro.

They both nodded, and they also looked a bit better.
'We should do a fun day!' Mitsuri suggested smiling and laughing.

'Like,what?' Iguro asked with a small smile. 'Hmmmm,' mitsuri hummed.
'We could... pick eachothers clothes! Then we can... go fishing!' Mitsuri said, smiling.

'Sounds fun,' muichiro said, looking to see everybody's answers. Everybody agreed.

'Okay, pick a name out of muichiros hat!' Mitsudi said, going in front of Shinobu.




after everybody got a name and we went to go pick an outfit for them. I teleported us to the store.

I had gotten iguro, so it shouldn't be all that hard. I chose this plain white shirt and a big hoodie. The hoodie had a snake on the arm and a white heart on the chest of it.

I got him some baggy beige pants that have a lot of pockets. I bought him some sunglasses as well.

The budget was 5000¥
But I went a little bit over.
I wonder who was picking an outfit for me.

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