oh no.. poor her.

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Tomioka pov:

I had to float all of there asses back to genya and sanemi's house. I dropped them all on the living room floor while I and sanemi cuddled on the couch together.




I woke up hearing my phone ringing. I must've fallen asleep. I heard a groan coming from onto of me. Sanemi was lying on my chest, his hair poking my chin softly.

I reached into my pocket to see that it was tsutako calling me. I picked it up and immediately heard sobbing.

'G-giyuu.. he's drinking again. He is hurting me- A-argh!' I heard tsutako cry out before she shrieked. I heard her cry out in pain once more before somebody on the other line spoke.

'Say goodbye,' I heard akais voice speak through the phone. I immediately sat up. 'Akai- don't you fucking dare!' I yelled into the speaker phone before I heard a cry followed by a bunch of thuds and more crys.

I got onto my feet, gearing sanemi groan. 'Fuck fuck- akai! Stop this shit right now!' I yelled into the phone.

'Your dead, bitch.' I heard akais voice, the sounding of a slash and it all went silent.

Shit shit shit shit!

'Sanemi sanemi! Get up, please, sanemi!' I cried, shaking sanemi aggressively. 'Fuck sanemi, get up!' I yelled and he shot up.

He immediately hugged me, rubbing my hair. I pushed him off, turning around to see the others awake. 'T-tomioka? Why are you crying?' Gyutaro asked while he rubbed his eyes.

'Douma, genya, and gyutaro you stay, you three call and ambulance and drive to my house, I'll meet you there,' I said, teleporting to my house.

I was teleported to the front door, getting struck by a horrible scene. 'A-akai! What have you done?!' I questioned. It looked like he massacred a whole village. There was blood staining the walls, and tsutako was on the floor with a knife stabbed into her stomach.

Akai stood at the top of the stairs. He must've pushed her down like when he pushed me. 'Tsu- tsutako!' I cried, rushing over to her.

'..yuu?' She questioned, stroking my cheek gently. 'Yes, tsu, don't close your eyes.. the others will be here soon, please tsutako' I said and she smiled a bright smile. 'I'm sorry.. I couldn't change him,' she said while playing with my messy hair.

'No tsutako! Don't be sorry.. just- just stay awake, i-i can heal you!' I said, opening my mouth to sing. 'No- no.. I think.. I think I'll go to sleep, I'm really tired, "tsutako said, dropping her hand and closing her eyes.

'No, tsutako- stay awak-' I didn't finish before blood splattered on my face. 'A-akai!' I yelled, looking at tsutako. Her heard was struck with a hammer, one of those big, big hammers.

'Tsutako?!' I cried. 'TSUTAKO?! TSUTAKO!!' I yelled and heard the front door open. 'GIYUU?! SISTER?!' mitsuri ran over. 'Fuck..!' I whispered. 'What the fuck?! Giyuu are you alri- TSUTAKO?!' muichiro came rushing over to us as I cried over her body.

'What the fuck akai?!' Mitsuri cried. She stood up, rushing over to him. 'Giyuu, your sister!' Sanemi said and turned to akai angrily.
'I didn't want you saving her.. I had to smash her head in,' akai said with a laugh. I just cried over tsutakos' body.

She was the only family I had left.. and now she was gone. Tsutako was gone... forever..

I heard paramedics rushing in and coming over to tsutakos body, the police officers handcuffing akai. 'AKAI YOU FUCKING BASTARD!' Mitsuri screamed as tears flew down her face.

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