are you okay?

341 11 39

Tomioka pov:

I felt a hot sensation running throughout my body. I woke up, drenched in sweat, although it was the end of October.

I wiped some beads of sweat that ran down my face. Looking around, I saw sanemi.
Sanemi was just lying down peacefully on my lap without a care in the world.

I looked up, immediately feeling a wave of dizziness rushing over me and a strong blasting headache. My stomach did twirls and loops as I felt like I was going to throw up.

Was it the alcohol?

I sighed, realizing I had to get up and pack since this was the day we left.

I slowly got up, feeling unstable and moving quite miserably towards the entrance of the tent. I took my hoodie off, feeling a chill run down my spine.

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