well shit

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Tomioka pov:

I got up around 7AM for a glass of water. I had a massive headache, but that was okay.

I groaned and sat up straight. 'Oh, look, the little birdie is up now,' I heard a voice say. It was rengoku.

Tengen was still half asleep right next to him. 'That your boyfriend?' Rengoku asked, pointing to sanemi. I eyed him up and down, as if I even nodded, I would be controlled again.

'Don't be afraid to reply, I won't use my ability on you,' rengoku said, but I wasn't any less suspicious.

'Yes,' I replied, and I felt controlled again. 'Gullible, very gullible' tengen said pretty much waking up now.

'Come closer to us,' rengoku said, and my body walked closer. I was trying to bite on my lip as I had before, but it wasn't working.

I stopped right in front of them and was told to sit down.

'Is he your boyfriend?'


'What's his name?'

'Sanemi shinazugawa'

'Adorable, how'd you meet?'

'Same way we met'

'How long have you guys been dating?'

'Almost 3 weeks'

'How long have you known each other?'

'1 year and 9 months'

'Who is it you were trying to protect your sister from?'

That question stunned me, but I didn't want to answer. I wouldn't answer. I bit down on my lip as hard as I could to stop myself from talking, it hurt like a fucking bitch.

'Fuck, you broke free again'
Rengoku said and sighed.

'Tomioka- your lip is gushing.. gushing blood' tengen said, and I felt my lips.

'Shit,' I mumbled and held my mouth so I didn't drip blood everywhere. I must've bit my lip really fucking hard to get it bleeding like this.

I locked the door and tried to stop the bleeding, only to end up falling on my head from dizziness.

'Well shit,' I said. I grabbed my aching head.

'Ah, my arm is bleeding as well,' I said to myself and looked at it.

I had stopped my nails really far into my arms to break free from answering the question.

Not only was I hungover but bleeding nonstop, a lot, too much. It felt horrible - I was very dizzy. 'Tomioka, let us come inside,' I heard tengen say. 'No,' I mumbled and used the bathtub to lift me up. 'Tomioka, we heard you fall. Let us inside'

Rengoku stated and jiggled at the doorknob.

'N-' I was being controlled again, goddamnit I was so fucking gullible.

'Let us in'

I got up and unlocked the bathroom door, letting them inside. Sanemi came inside and slapped my face, breaking me out of the trans.

'Yuu, are you okay?' He asked and held my hands. 'Yeah, I didn't mean to dig into my skin or my lip so hard - I'm sorry,' I said, and he nodded. 'It's okay - let's get you bandaged up, alright?' I nodded, and he grabbed a cloth.

He cleaned off my lip the best he could- but it still bled just not as much as before. 'Can't I just heal myself?' I asked, and he nodded.

'The blood would still be there though- plus, these are deep wounds,' sanemi said, and I shrugged.

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