kind of drunk if you ask me..

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Tomioka pov:

'Mitsuri, I don't wanna go!' I said over the phone. I had stayed in the house for about two weeks because I hadn't had my anxiety or depression medications.

I lost them.

'It'll be good for you! Come on, I'll pick you up in fiveteen minutes!' Mitsuri said, and I could hear the smile on her face. 'Take your boyfriend with you or something!' I complained. 'Iguro had to shave kaburamaru.' She complained. 'I don't want to go, ask muichiro!' I said and groaned.

'He is on a date with his wannabe husband,' mitsuri complained.

'They aren't even married yet'

'That's why it'd called a WANNA BE HUSBAND, WANNA BE' She said over the phone.

'Like as in, want to be?' I questioned, and she hummed in response.

'Ask daki'

'Mrs. Rona got her'

'Ask gyutaro'

'Mrs. Rona got him as well.'

'Ask douma'

'He Is sick with a high fever'


'Taking care of douma'


'On a trip to Arizona, they wanted to get in the sun a bit more'


'Who the fuck do you think "they" is?'


'Helping a lady give birth'


'She is at kanaes house, again'



'Your brother?'

'He went out with my mom for the weekend, I didn't want to go'

'Fuck, I'm like, the only one left aren't I?'


'I'll go if I don't have to speak'

'Deal, get ready in 10'

'Got it'

I hung up the phone and sighed.

This was going to be a hellish day, I remember the last few times I met her friends, I got shoved out of a car the first time. The second time, I almost died.

How will this go?

I changed my clothes and put my hair in a messy bun.

I put in some blue katana earrings and a black nose ring.

I drew on a small winged eyeliner.
(Winged eyeliner on men is hot af)

For the clothes, I wore a white sweater with a black dragon print on it, sanemi bought it for me.

I had on black baggy jeans and white sneakers.

I also wore a few rings and bracelets that muichiro and yuichido got me for my birthday.

I had a pocket knife on my side in case akai breaks out of jail and wants revenge or some shit.

I heard a car honk at my house so I ran out the door with my small meep meep backpack on my shoulder.

I could see a few people in the backseat where I usually sit, so I decided to sit in the front.

'Hey, hottie,' I heard a really tall guy say to me as I entered the car.
I glanced at him. He looked like a sparkly potato.

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