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This takes place a year after they meet.

Tomioka pov:

I brush out my hair, looking at my video call.

I was on call with daki, iguro, gyutaro, mitsuri, and douma. 'Yuu, are you coming for dinner tonight?' Mitsuri asked me as she painted her nails.

'What dinner?' I asked as I stopped brushing my hair to look at her. 'Remember, I invited you to the family dinner,' she said, rejogging my memory.

'Yeah, sure, I want to get away from my house for a bit anyway,' I said, going back to brushing my hair. 'Tomioka- you've never actually told us why you wanted to get away from the house all the time, so why?' Gyutaro asked, which made me freeze.

I looked at him and stared blankly. Forgetting how to speak. I forgot they were there, they don't like me, they hate my voice, they hate me, why would I talk?

'I- uh.. uhm.. be- cause.. i- just..' I mumbled a bit, trying to find my words. I heard a loud crash coming from downstairs, making me panic. 'What was that?!' Iguro asked with a jump. 'Mitsuri, pick me up in 15 minutes - I'll be back,' I said, ignoring everybody's questions and hanging up.

I don't think it's akai because I threw out all hid booze, helping him quit the addiction. Akai has been doing better and apologizing repeatedly everything he saw me.

'Ow mother fucker!' Tsutako said holding her hand. Akai laughed and got up as I poked my head around the corner. 'Tsu,' I said, looking quickly at akai.

I was staring at him suspiciously, but there was no alcohol in sight.
'Just burned myself, fucking cock shit!' Tsutako said running her hand under cold water. I laughed and signaled that I was leaving.

She gave me a peck on the cheek and waved me off, mitsuris car pulling up in front of the house. 'I'm bored,' I said the minute I got into the car. 'I wish sanemi and muichiro were hereee,' I said pitifully.

They both had to travel to go visit some family but it was annoying.

I mean, I had finally come to terms with whom I had loved sanemi, and then he just goes and dissappears! Muichiro is my best fucking friend and he has to go up for a week as well!

'You just got into the car, what, is my company not good enough for you?' She asked, holding her heart sarcastically. 'No,' I said with a laugh.

'Your hair has become so fucking long its outstanding!' Mitsuri said grabbing a chunk of my hair. It was down to my shins, though it was extremely annoying. I cut it almost every month, and it just keeps growing.

We were going the opposite of her house, why?

'Where are we going? You're not going murder me for being an ass, right?' I asked, which made her snort. 'No, tomioka, I just want Starbucks, don't you?' She said with a bead of sweat dripping down her face.

I eyes her suspiciously and shrugged. 'Can I get the StArBuCkS cAkE PoP?' I asked acting goofy. 'Sure get whatever, I got money to spare' She said, which made my eyes light up.

'I want a cinnamon iced latte!' I said quickly. It was a new addition that I wanted to try.
I've never had money to spare on McDonald's, though.

We got to the drive-through, and there was a big lineup. 'Are you sure we won't be late for your family reunion?' I asked, and she nodded. 'It's okay, they will wait,' she replied, pulling up a bit to put in our orders.

'God, I wish I could see sanemiii,' I said, frustrated that he had to visit family all the way from Russia.
I never even knew he had family from Russia.

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