i cant come up with a story name

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Tomioka pov:

I felt extremely hot, and I groaned, sitting up.

I looked around to see everybody asleep except for muichiros boyfriend, genya.

'Morning, uh, tomioka, right?' He asked. I nodded silently and aired out my shirt.
'So uhhh, what'd I do to scare you so much last night?' He asked, which made me turn to him.

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Why? Why couldn't I say anything?
I shut my mouth as fast as I had opened it. 'UH tomioka?' He asked, waving a hand in front of my face. I waved back since I didn't know what to do.

I backed up a bit, bumping into something - no somebody.
I jumped when I saw messy white hair. It was just sanemi.

I smiled slightly before turning back to genya. 'Could I see if you have a fever? You just look extremely hot and stuff, so I wanted to make sure if you needed medicine or not,' genya said, and I nodded.

I leaned my head closer to him so he could feel my head. 'Your temperature is really hot, making you should go up to your room - there is an air conditioner in there,' genys said, but I shook my head.

Looking back at sanemi, who was sleeping peacefully, I didn't want to be separated from him.

But I'm not gay.

'UH okay, why?' He asked, looking at me curiously. I pointed to sanemi, indicating I didn't want to leave him alone. 'You want to stay because of my brother?' He asked. I nodded in response.

'Do you want me to get your a glass of iced water?' He asked, and I nodded reluctantly.

Maybe genya would poison it.

No, no, he doesn't seem like the type to do that, maybe. Well.. nah, he wouldn't do that, especially to his boyfriend best friend.

I was still going to make sure, just to be cautious.

He came back with a cup full of iced water.
I took it reluctantly, sniffing it and inspecting it.
'You know you don't need to check it right - I mean, I wouldn't poison you if that's what you're thinking,' he said, which made me even more suspicious.

Why wouldn't he want me to check?

I gave it to him, indicating for him to take a sip.
'You want me to taste test it?' He asked, and I nodded. He took a sip and handed it back to me.

I waited a couple of seconds before drinking it. 'Why were you so cautious?' He asked me. I looked away, not wanting to answer. I mean, it isn't like I would answer anyway.

'Hmm, who's up?' I heard a groan from behind me. It was sanemi finally waking up. He sat up, immediately feeling my forehead.

'You have a fever tomioka, go sleep upstairs,' he mumbled, rubbing his eyes with his palm. I took my water and stood up
Grabbing his hand and dragging him with me.

I felt genyas' eyes locked on me, but I didn't mind, for the first time.

I took him to the guest room upstairs and placed him on the bed.
I opened the window to let more cool air in.
'Why am I up here with you?' Sanemi asked, spreading his body around the bed.

'So we can sleep,' I said, going and flopping beside him on the twin size mattress.

'You wanted me to sleep with you?' He asked, and i nodded, curling up beside him.
Moments later, I felt myself being telported by tsutakos' ability. This time, sanemi got teleported as well.

'Goddamn it you fucking wench!' I heard akai yell out from the kitchen. I immediately stood up, feeling a bit wobbly first.

'Tomioka?' Sanemi asked as he moved to the side. 'Shh,' I used my finger to cover his mouth as I stormed to the kitchen.
'There you are you fucking idiot!' He yelled out, lunging at me before I moved aside swiftly. He landed on his face in front of tsutako and sanemi.

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