Chapter 11

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Kids These Days..


Kakashi's POV

Third and last day!

Yes! HAHAHA! This is my last day babysitting these brats! After cleaning the house, I sat on the sofa.

"Deidara, stop playing the matches.. if you wanna blow the apartment up, I advice you to use paper bombs or your explosive clay instead."

Said kid only looked at me with an innocent face and giggled.


=___= I kinda expected he'd say that.

Just then, a block of wood hit the blonde's head.



I watched as Sasori stuck his tongue out at his partner and laughed his socks off. "Awt is etewnal!!"

Oh, boy. Tsk. Here we go again. =__=

"No, un!! Awt is a bang bang!!"

"No! You idiwot!! Its etewnal!! You hear me? ETEWNAL!!"

"Wanna fight un?!"


I smirked as they wrestled. Shaking my head in amusement, I turned to the kid sitting beside me. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"What is it Kakuzu-kun?"

He pouted. "Wanna bet? The loser will pay 10 Ryo."

I frowned. Damn this kid! =__= Money really is his life. "Maybe next time Kakuzu." I said and stood up to check the other kids who were playing outside.

But the moment I stepped out,


Cried... Itachi?? Hahaha! I contained my laughter and looked at Pein. Haha! Little bastards.

But when I saw what Pein was holding, I frowned once more. I darted my gaze back at Itachi.

"Aah... Itachi? That's an almanac. Not a teddy bear." =__= And I thought he's a genius?

He glared at me with... RED eyes. My eyes widened when I realized he just activated his Sharingan.

"No! That's my teddy bear, you old pewvert! Its a teddy bear!"

I gulped and nervously nodded. "Y-Yeah.. okay, okay. If you want to call it a teddy bear then be my guest." Geez.. How did Fugaku and Mikoto raised their kids?

Sasuke's a revenge addicted bastard, while Itachi is an abnormally intelligent child =__=+++

Uchihas... tsk.

I sighed. "Okay Pein, give Itachi-kun his 'teddy bear' slash almanac back." And as expected, the Akatsuki leader glared at me.

"Fck you. Once I get out of this body, I'll kill you first Jounin!!" After his little threat, he threw the book at the raven haired boy's direction.

I ignored what he said and glances at the others.


Tobi squealed and ran around in circles with Kisame chasing him.

"Fvckew!! Stop braiding my hair, you biwtch!"

I turned to my right and saw Zetsu laughing while keeping Hidan still as Konan-chan braided his hair.

Hmm... Now I know why Dei-chan's scared to go out. Hahahaha!

Leaning on a post, I took in a deep breathe and looked up at the sky. Making me recall the old Team 7 days.

Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke..

Someday, we'll be together again. All four of us.


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