Chapter 16

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Kisame's Color Issues!


Kisame's POV

I pouted. (//°____°//)

Ever since Sasuke-nii came in the picture, every here became weird. Like---

"Sasuke-nii, can you please pass the tomato sauce." Konan said and looked at our new nii-san with puppy dog eyes. We were all at the barbeque place with the other ninjas, eating dinner. It has been 1 week since Itachi-san's birthday.

Sasuke-nii ignored her and drank the tomato sauce (\\°____°\\)


Ino's POV

It's about time Misty gave me a POV!! Haha! Anyway, I giggled at Lee's jokes and took a bite out of my sushi. Yeah, I know we're at at barbeque place, but screw it! I don't want my figure to be ruined ^____^

"Hehehe, and you know what's better than being the awesome me, kids??"

Ugh. =___=

The Akatsuki kids listened attentively at the dog boy with admiration visible in their little eyes. I could even see Konan's blush =___=

Sakura, my bestfriend---who has a forehead bigger than planet earth itself hahaha!--snorted and remarked,

"Let me guess, Kiba.. NOT being an idiot like you?"

It was Deidara who reacted first. "No, un!! I think Kiba-nii is awesome, yeah!" The little one blurted out and stood up with a hard look on his face. Ugh. Seriously? Why must they compare my hair style to his?? =__= How dare them. Then, out of the blue, Sasori stood up and stuck his small tongue out at his partner's direction. "No! I think Sakuwa-nee is right! Kiba-nii is an idiwot!"

I rolled my eyes at him. Tsk. Sakura and Naruto, seriously need to teach these kids a lesson or two. They're practically arguing over nonsense! Hm... but now that I mentioned it,

"Hehehe, bushy brows! I dare you to eat with your mouth closed!!! Dattebayo!" I face-palmed when I heard what Naruto dared Lee to do. Is he even thinking?! Oh, and by the way, they sat across where I was sitting. For a moment, I saw Rock Lee's bored look, changed into a determined one.

"Challenge accepted, Naruto-san! But,"

"But what?" I asked, slightly curious.

He grinned and looked at Sakura--who was beside me eating her barbeque-- and declared.

"But, Sakura-chan must agree to go on a date with me tonight!"

Sakura's POV



"Oh, my lovely Cherry blossom! Are you alright?!"

I choked on the food I was eating!! Damn, Lee! I continued coughing until Neji handed me a glass of water. I drank it in one gulp and shot daggers at the Taijutsu expert's direction. Ignoring Hidan's vulgar comments. "Hahahaha!! You fvcking idiwot! You look like an... like an idiwot!!"

Fck. =__=

I stood up, but before I could shout at the green hornet, Naruto hysterically countered.

"EH? NO WAY, BUSHY BROWS! Nuh uh! Not in a million years would I allow you to date Sakura-chan!! Believe it!!"

I sighed as they started to brawl.

Tsk. =__= men. Such a pain in the ass.

"Hihihi... they look like lovers, nee-chan!" I sat back down and turned to Konan who was still blushing as Pein sat silently beside her. ^___^ how cute. Well, even if the Akatsuki leader had this murderous aura because we, again, denied his little command to give him the release jutsu, it's still cute! Haha

To Be Continued...

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