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Team Seven wasted no time and traveled immediately to the Hidden Rose village. Sakura and Naruto were silent during the trip. Memories came flooding back to them. All those happy moments, gone.

Kakashi shook his head in disappointment. Well in fact, he, too, was upset with what happened. They grew attached to the kids even for a short period of time. They had this little bond only they could understand.

But now with the Akatsuki adults back, attacking a peaceful village for no reason, Kakashi knew they have to cut all bonds created.

Like what Sasuke Uchiha said before, this is reality. There's no room for fantasies and happily-ever-afters. If you're good, you struggle to be on the good side for good. And if you're bad... well, what more can I say? You're bad. No words can explain that.

When they finally reached the Hidden Rose, explosions were occuring.

The villagers were running around, panic evident in their expressions. Based on what Tsunade said, this is the first time anyone attacked them. So it figures why no one doesn't exactly know what to do in a situation like this.

"Sakura and Naruto, take down enemies located in eastern part. Sai, evacuate the villagers; and Sasuke," Kakashi was still hestitant to give his former student an order. It was truly a miracle that the Hokage let him join this mission, "....go do your thing. I'll handle the rest."

The four nodded and left to do their assigned tasks. The Jounin sighed.

Good luck to them.


"What do you think they want? There isn't anything here that has significance in whatever plan they have! This village is hardly known!"

Sakura said as they leaped to where the most recent explosion was. Naruto gritted his teeth, "Well, that's not what I was thinking about, Sakura-chan.."


"The Akatsuki...they chose to attack the Hidden Rose. If I'm not mistaken, they only knew about this place when we brought them here.. when they were still kids... so maybe they remembered it, Sakura-chan! Maybe this has something to do with their revenge?"

The pinkette remained silent, deep in her thoughts. He's right. Maybe this was their revenge.

But why not attack the Leaf, instead?


Naruto brought her out of her reverie. She turned to where her friend pointed and saw Deidara at Sasori standing not a few meters away from them. They saw how the duo smirked and started attacking them.



The konoichi aimed her chakra-filled fist towards the ground, creating an enormous crater that Sasori had to leap in the air to avoid falling into the pit.

"Is that all you got, Sakuwa-nee?"

She paused, and stared at him.

This was the first time he spoke up ever since they started their little battle a while ago. She didn't want to hurt him. Them. But she wasn't called a ninja for nothing. But what bothered her more, was the name he addressed her.

"Y-You remember..?"

Sasori Akasuna turned to his right and soon enough, Kisame Hoshigaki and Itachi Uchiha emerged from the shadowd nearby.

"Who said we forgot, Haruno? We remember everything." The redhead smiled.

She stepped back until she felt her back hitting the trunk of a tree. They cornered her.

"W-What do you want?!"

"Look at my puppet, Sakura-nee.."


Sakura tried to escape, but Kisame and Itachi held her back. And that made Sasori grin even wider. A little more, and she'll conclude he's already insane.

Jus then, a puppet appeared. The puppet looked like Sasori, himself!

"What's wrong nee-chan? I just wanna show you my puppet.."

The puppet's eyes glowed yellow.

And it the insensity of it almost blinded Sakura, she screamed at the top of her lungs,

Damn! Something's not right here..



Sasori Akasuna smirked.

"It's done."

He then stepped closer to where the pink haired female once stood and picked up a five-year-old girl, still rubbing her eyes to adjust her eyesight.

"Hahaha! She's cute! I wanna eat her for dinner." Kisame grinned and pinched little Sakura's cheeks, making her cry in return. Itachi Uchiha rolled his eyes and patted the girl's head,

"Hn. Quit goofing around. We still need to bring her back to Pein."

Sasori cradled the girl, "Uhh.. who awe you guys? Where's my mommy?"

"We're your babysitters, love."

The pink haired kid pouted.

"Is everything going according to plan?"

The three nins turned to the voice and saw Pein, who displayed a satisfied expression when he saw Sakura in her child form. Deidara, Zetsu and Tobi came with a sleeping blonde, so did Konan with a pale toddler in her hands.

And lastly, Kakuzu and Hidan waltz by, with a mini Uchiha glaring at the others.

Pein, for the first time since forever, smiled genuinely.

"Good job. This is our revenge, Konoha-nins. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.. now, Akatsuki, let us show them what we have in store..

..for the Team Seven Kids."



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