Chapter 22

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Third Person's POV

"Hey, Sakura-chan.. I think Konan needs to rest. She looks pale."

The blonde ninja observed and tapped the pinkette's shoulder. On the other hand, Sakura dropped her Uno cards and glanced at the kid's direction. "Maybe she does need some rest.."

"Forehead, you should let the brats sleep. It's getting late anyway." Ino motioned Hidan, Kakuzu and Deidara already curled up on Kakashi's couch; sleeping soundly.

The other Konoha-nins nodded at the thought. Though for a short period of time, they knew they have been attached to the kids in some ways. Sakura Haruno was about to stand up, but Naruto prevented her from doing so.

"I'll handle them."

He then made a handsign. "Kage Bushin no jutsu!" And several clones appeared, picking up the sleepy kids one by one and taking them all back to Sakura's apartment (since Kakashi's was a little too overcrowded).

Sai smiled at the other occupants of the room.

"Do you think they'll kill us once they found out about what we did to them?"

And that ruined the mood. Rock Lee laugh nervously, "Oh, Sai-san.. you must be overthinking again! That.. isn't quite a youthful question to ask, you know."

Shikamaru Nara leaned back on the backrest of his monoblock chair. "What a drag.. why do we have to even talk about this crap? Of course they'll get back on us once the jutsu is released. It is only a matter of time."

"But that won't happen as long as Sakura has the necklace, right? Let's call it a night, guys. We don't need this drama." Ino argued until Neji, who remained quiet all the while, spoke, "Bakas.. walking away once the facts opposes your beliefs. What's the difference if we talk about this now?"

"N-Neji-san is right----"

"Heh. He's always right! Just face the fact that we can't keep them kids forever!"

Sakura stood up and walked away. Not caring if the others were worried about her.


She entered the kids' room and smiled when she found them all sleeping peacefully---well, except for one that is.

"Konan-chan, why are you up? You should sleep." Sakura sat on the edge of her bed as the little girl fidget.

What's wrong with her? she mentally asked. As if she just read her mind, the blue-haired toddler answered,

"Um... Sakura-nee, can you sleep beside me? I-I'm scard of monstews...."

The konoichi felt something different with her request but shrugged it off and laid down beside the child. " sleep." She sweetly patted Konan's head until they both drifted into dreamland.

Or so she thought...

Konan gulped. She was hesitant, yes. Who wouldn't be when you grew to love your enemies? Literally. All those crazy and fun memories flooded her mind. In two month's time, they created a bond with the ninjas. But now that the memories of her adult-self are back, she knew..

She has to break these bonds..

THEY have to break it.

She doesn't know if the others were already aware of their current situation, though. Or if any of their adult memories are restored too. Maybe some members are only playing along.. maybe not. That, she will never find out on her own.

Gazing at the emerald necklace on Sakura's neck, Konan took a deep bteathe.

"I'm sorry, nee-chan."


Naruto's POV

I looked at the wall clock and frowned. 12:30 am huh? After sipping the last of my ramen, I yawned and walked to the living room.


Hm... I wonder where she is.

"Sakura-chaaan? Yuhooo! I'm leaving, dattebayo!"

I climbed up the stairs and knocked on her room's door. But I heard no reply. Suddenly, the door of another room across the hallway opened!

I jumped into a fighting stance.

"Naruto? Hm.... uhh, what the heck?"

I sighed and grinned when I found that it was just Sakura. Scratching the back of my head, "Hey, Sakura-chan! I was about to leave and tell you that the ramen....."

I stopped midsentence when I saw her neck.

She arched an eyebrow. "The ramen, what?"

"Shit. Where's the necklace?!"

Sakura furrowed her eyebrows for a moment but when she looked down her neck and brought her hand to it, she literally paled when she felt nothing!

We paced back and forth in the hallway. PANIC MODE, dattebayo!!! TT___TT

"BAKA! WHERE THE HECK WOULD THAT NECKLACE BE?! Naruto, I swear! I wore it earlier this evening!"

"Wait, maybe you left it in the kids' room!"


We hurriedly barged into the room and gulped when purple-ringed eyes greeted us. Pein's rinnegan shone in the darkness as he held something..

"Bastard, give that back!" I yelled but he shook his little head and played with the emerald stone on the necklace. He made a quick glance at Konan who stood next to him,

"Job well done, Konan.. now, where was I? Ah, yes.."

He then crushed the stone using his hands. Our mouths went agap at what he did.. the emerald dust drifting into the wind, and when Pein opened his hand, it revealed a small scroll.

I was about to charge at him but Konan-chan used her paper jutsu and made a barrier. WHAT THE?!

He smirked and read the scroll before making several handsigns and yelled,


Uh oh.. this is not good.


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