Chapter 12

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Nee-chan and Naruto-nii are Back!! Oh, and Sai-baka too!

(Long title, I know. Haha bare with me people ;)


Naruto's POV

As we reached the main gates of Konoha, I immediately smiled and inhaled deeply.

"Ah! Home sweet home! Haha! I wonder how sensei is doing with the kids?"

I turned my head to Sakura-chan who looked drained. Sai, om the other hand, shrugged and walked away. I frowned. "Hey, Sai-baka! Where do you think you're going?!"

He gave me his annoying fake smile and answered, "Home. I need to rest, dickless. Ciao."

I felt my cheeks heat up as I angrily glared at him. "YOU BASTARD!!! ONCE I BECOME HOKAGE, I'LL HAVE YOU DRINK TOBASCO SAUCE! DATTEBAYO!!!"

But instead of cowering in fear, he blinked and walked away. Grrrrr..... I am so gonna kick his sorry ass one of these days...

(  ̄ 3 ̄)//

"N-N-Naruto-kun.. we need to r-report to the Hokage's office..."

I glanced at Hinata. She immediately avoided my eyes. I sweatdropped. =__=" I wonder what's her problem?? Eh?

I heard Kiba laughed before bidding goodbye with Akamaru. Shino and Hinata then ran their way to baa-chan's office.

Hmm....then that leaves... *grins*

(≧﹏≦) "Oh, Sakura-chan~~ let's check on our kids! They probably missed us, believe it! Hihihi..."

[A/N: I kinda like the NaruSaku pairing too ^_^ haha.]

I heard her sighed. "Ugh.. whatever." Instantly, my eyes sparkled.

She said yes!!! OMG!

I then grabbed her arm and dragged her with me. "Then, let's go wifey~~!! Hehehe!"


Hihihi... *^O^* I think she likes me. ♡


Sakura's POV

I ignored Naruto's foolishness and knocked down my apartment's door.

---I mean, knocked on!!! Hehe.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Sensei??" I called, but to no response came. I then became nervous. I turned to Naruto. "Do you have the spare key?"

He nodded and gave me the key.

I rapidly opened the door and ran to inside to find no one in the living room. My heart raced. I then went to the kitchen. "Hey, Sakura-chan! What are you---"

"Naruto, they're not here!!! Maybe..." we then ran up the stairs to where the kids' room is.

I took in a deep breathe first, before opening the room's door slowly. Oh, Kami. Please don't let anything happen to those kids!

But scene we saw, made me and the blonde sigh in relief.

I smiled.

There Kakashi-sensei was. Sleeping on the large bed with the ten angels (err....I guess they are??) lightly snoring beside him. I giggled and walked closer.

So, their position is..

Dei-Dei had his head rested on sensei's tummy; Kakuzu was hugging his left arm; Zetsu hugging his right one; Konan was sleeping beside sensei on his right side; Pein on his left; Hidan, who was shirtless, snoring like a pig while drooling on Kakashi's foot; Tobi was sleeping upside-down with his head on the Jounin's left shoulder; Sasori resting his head on Tobi's stomach; Kisame had his little feet on sensei's face and lastly, Itachi sat on the floor with his back leaned on the side of the bed. (Ehem*while holding a dictionary*)

I sighed again. They are so cute..

Everything is just so, peaceful! So serene, so----


I froze and glanced at the kids.

"Waaaah!! Waaaah!! Waaah!! (Un!!)!''



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