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Goodbye, Little Bastards


Sakura's POV


And just like that, their bodies were wrapped in a blinding light. Naruto and I had to shield our eyes because of the intensity.

"At last.."

When I shot my eyes open, my breathe hitched once I saw the Akatsuki nins wide awake, aking in their current situation. Most of them were sitting on their beds, some were already standing with the blankets hung tightly around their naked bodies.

"What the fuck? I was stuck being a kid for two freakin' months?! Tss. I ain't buying this shit."

"Tobi knew something was wrong! Tobi knew it!"

"Well, no duh Tobi, un. Hey danna! see ya back at the hide-out, yeah!"

I panicked when they started to make handsigns, making a cloud of smoke appear. Naruto already made a move and kept Pein distracted. I ran towards the Akatsuki.

"Sakura-chan! What are you doing?!"

Zetsu shook his head and made eye-contact with Sasori and Itachi. Just then, vines from out of nowhere appeared and wrapped my arms and legs! I grunted and was about to break loose from them when Itachi suddenly showed up in front of me and...ah, shit!

"I hate the Sharingan..." I muttered before he put me in one of his genjutsus.



Third Person's POV


Pein yelled at his members and in no time, Kakuzu, Hidan, Kisame and Itachi vanished in a cloud of smoke. Zetsu smirked before merging into the ground; Deidara made a giant clay bird before Sasori and Tobi jumped out of the window to join him in his fleeting escape.

Konan stayed watching him and Naruto fight.

"Konan, go! I'll meet you back at the hideout. I just need to finish this annoyance."

Naruto momentarily looked at the blue-haired woman and saw sadness in her eyes before it faded instantly as she sighed and vanished in a storm of paper.


"Sakura-chan!" The blonde huffed and ran towards the pinkette to pull her out of the genjutsu. Pein then took this at an advantage and threw poison-filled kunais at him.


Metals clashed.


The pale ninja stood not a few feet away from the doorway. Behind him are Ino and Sasuke who were assessing the events.

"W-What happened here?! T-The kids.."

Naruto smiled sadly by the time he finally released Sakura from Itachi's genjutsu. "Gone."

Pein groaned out of frustration and stepped back.

"You'll pay for what you did to us, Konoha nins. Two months doing nonsense is enough to ruin my organization's activities. We will be back."

And with that, the leader of the Akatsuki disappeared with the use of a jutsu. Leaving the five ninjas in deep thought.

"Sakura-chan, are you alright?"

The pinkette held her head and scanned the almost empty room. "W-Where are they? D-Don't tell me..."

Ino walked closer to her and patted her shoulder, tears already forming in her eyes.

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