Misty's Note

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Disclaimer: I do not and will never, ever, ever own Naruto even if I wanted to. Well, it's a good thing I didn't! Hahaha! I suck at fight scenes. Lol 😂😂

Credits to whoever owns the picture I used for the cover. :) thank you!


And it's finished!

Well, sorta? XD

Yeah, I just wanna say, THANK YOU for being a patient reader. Hahaha! Sorry for the grammatical errors/misspelled words. I'm lazy at editing 😭

Anyway, Akatsuki Kids! just popped in my head one day when my younger brother watched Tom & Jerry Kids. XD so yeah, that's what gave me the idea of making them kids! Plus the picture I saw (the one I used as the cover for the book) is soooo kawaii 😍😍😍 I can't help it! So, tenen! Here we are... finally at the end. :3

And for those who are going to ask, YES, there will be a sequel. "Team Seven KiDS!" I don't know when I can able to post it, though. I still need to finish Once Upon A Time In Konoha 2.

So stay updated people! I'll notify you when it's ready. :)

Oh, and I just want to add this: I've read the comments, and PLEASE, let's show some respect for the other fandoms, alright? If you don't like a character, you don't need to cuss like Hidan to show how much you dislike/hate him/her. In my opinion, that's not cool. :) Don't do to others what you don't want others to do unto you. And besides, these are all Kishimoto-sama's characters. So bad mouthing a certain character not only disrespects the opposite fandom, but also disrespects him, too.

Just saying. I love you all! ❤❤❤

God bless and have a nice day ahead!

---Misty-chan ;)

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