Chapter 13.5

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Konan Has A Crushie!

Naruto's POV


I immediately jerked my head towards the kids' direction and almost paled when I saw little Konan-chan with handcuffs.

She was running after Pein, who on the other hand, was screaming as if a ramen apocalypse was happening.

Wait, where's Sakura-chan?

I turned my head to the left and frowned when I saw Sakura-chan taking pictures of the two while yelling "GO KONAN-CHAN! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!! SHANNAROO!!!"

"Eh??" I pouted and scratched the back of my head before I averted my attention to Sai who still had his annoying fake smile on. =__= one day, I'm gonna wipe that disturbing smile off his face, dattebayo..

"Hey, Sai-baka! What d'ya think Konan is doing?? And why is Sakura-chan like that??"


My eyes twitched at the toddler's voice. The other kids just watched them as they sat on the ground in an Indian sit. Hidan was laughing his head off as he ate popcorn.

"Well, dickless,"

I shot daggers at the baka's direction!!

But to my surprise, he only had his eyes focused on the scene in front of us.

"...I think they're sinply playing a game."

I rapidly furrowed my eyebrows at what he said.

A game, eh?

I looked at Konan and Pein once more and smile.

I think I get it now!! How could I be so stupid!! Based from the way little Konan acted around that orange haired bastard..that blush and all...

She's in love!! Dattebayo ≧﹏≦

Sakura's POV

After what seemed like a year, I finally smiled at the little girl in front of me as she had her crush now on a leash.

Literally. ^____^

"Good job, Konan-chan! Now, you can lock him up in a cage and feed him three times a day~~"

She beamed me a sweet and innocent smile and nodded.

"Aye, aye captain! heard that, Peiny? Let's go!"

Soon enough, she dragged the beaten Akatsuki leader out of the park.

From where I stood, I can clearly hear the other kids' laughter. And of course, with Hidan endlessly cussing in the background. Tsk. =__=

But then again...

I smiled wider and wiped my tears of joy.

I am so proud of her!!! ヾ(*'∀`*)ノ


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