Chapter 3

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Sakura gulped. "S-Sasuke-kun?! Why would he be--!" Naruto then put a hand to cover her mouth. "Shhh! Sakura-chan, we have to be careful. Especially since we have the Akatsuki." Nodding, she removed his hand in the process.

"Then what are we gonna do? Sasuke can't find out that we have the criminals as kids. Or else, he'll easily kill Itachi."

Naruto and Sakura thought for a moment before their trance was soon interrupted,

"May I suggest?"

They turned their heads to see Sai with a fake smile. "What?" -Sakura

"Transformation jutsu."

The two just face-palmed. "Of course!"


"How many times do I have to tewl you buddy?! I am not a gurl, un!!!"

A blonde kid screech for yet hundredth time to the orange-masked boy.

"But! Tobi thinks Dei-Dei looks like Barbie!! Or even RAPUNZEL!!"

With a vain popping at his temple he ran after him. "Damn you, un! I'm gonna get you Tobi, yeah!!"

"Hahahahahaha! Classic! Hahahaaha! Those F*ckews are just hopeless!!" Hidan laughed while clutching his stomach.

"How interesting... Wait --What?-- Hidan is a Jashinist, right? --ugh, yeah? --then even if we ate a limb, he'll still live wight? --Argh! Black Zetsu! Stop it! --Fine." The plant kid shrugged and watched the scene in front of him.

"Tsk. How annoying.. I wonder what's taking nee-chan so long? I hate waiting." The redhead complained and sat on the grassy ground.

"Hehehe.. if that Deidawa looks like Barbie, then you look like CHUCKIE!!" Konan cheered at which Sasori glared at her.

"I do not!!"

"Yes you do!!"

Meanwhile, far across some pebbles.

"Wanna bet who'll win if Konan-chan and Saso-san fought?" Kisame asked the kid next to him.

"How many Ryo?"

"I got seven."

"Suwe. But the money should be 60-40. Lawger amount on me."

"Hey! You money pwick!"

"I'll give you a discount coupon on some sake."



"Kids! Come here for a second!" Sakura called as the youngsters gathered up. "What is it, biwtch?"


"Yeah, yeah."

"Look, we are gonna cross paths with some.. uh... meanies. And we need all of you to change your appearances, okay? Any questions?" Everyone stayed silent until Itachi raised his little hand.

"Who awe we gonna run into, nee-chan?"

"Some, rogues?"

"Aa.. okie dokie."

"Anymore questions?" Kisame then raised his hand.

"What is it?"

"Can you change my skin color?"

"Ugh.. just hold still."


"He's nearing us.. Sakura-chan, Sai, take positions!"



It was not long before Sasuke felt a familiar chakra signature ahead. He narrowed his eyes and ran towards the direction. "Itachi!"

But when he reached the source, he found his old teammates and Sai walking with ten little kids in tow. He rosed an eyebrow. Sai was the first one who felt his presence and alarmed the two.

"Dickless, Ugly, he's here!"

The three snapped their heads and took a defensive stance. Naruto glared at his bestfriend. "Sasuke.. why are you here, bastard!" Sasuke eyed them closely. "Stop playing games. I felt Itachi's chakra. Where is he?!"

"Itachi isn't here Sasuke-kun!" Sakura yelled at the Uchiha.

Sasuke scanned the surroundings. Ugh. If not for the exhaustion he got from destroying a small village near Otogakure for Orochimaru, he'd be able to activate his Sharingan. The kids just looked at him with curiosity.

A brunette then tugged Sakura's shirt.

"Nee-chan, who is he?"

"No one Yahiro." He then averted his gaze at Sasuke. "..Just an old friend of ours."

Sasuke glared daggers at her before saying, "Fine. Just don't get in my way." And with that, he ran off.


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