Chapter 15

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Kidnap Sasuke!


Sakura's POV

"Sakura-chan, why are we doing this again??"

I glared at the hyper blonde and nonetheless, answered him for the umpteenth time. "Because Itachi wants to see his baby brother."

He nodded shortly. "Aah... wait!! You mean we're gonna kidnap Sasuke?!?!"

I face palmed. Oh, why oh why..

"Keep quiet you baka! Or else you're dead!!"

I saw Naruto Uzumaki display a Chesire Cat-like grin. =___= Oh, Naruto. Remind me again why must Kishimoto make you an idiot? Tsk. A heroic idiot that is...

Ignoring his presence, I averted my eyes back to the group.


There he is!

And if you're wondering, me and my blonde companion are currently pearching on a tree, hidden from Team Taka's view. Yeah, after Itachi-kun requested his little gift, I practically dragged Naruto away from Sai and made the pale man take care of the kids.

I know I shouldn't expect my apartment to still be in one piece once this kidnap---err... Sasuke-nap, thing is over. So, that's exactly why I asked Shizune-san to help Sai!---and take care of my apartment.

"Sakura-chan, how are we gonna kidnap teme??"

The moment Naruto asked that, I paused for a second and started to think of a way how to. Wait...


Ah, damn!



"Dammit, Naruto! Just shut up! Keep your voice down or they might hear you."

We still had our chakra signatures expertly hidden so I'm a hundred percent sure that redheaded female wouldn't detect us.

Hmm.... Aha!


"Naruto, okay here's the plan: You go down there and disguise yourself as Suigetsu, then act like him in a way that they get all confused on who's the real one, after that, I'll sneak behind and knock Sasuke-kun out! Once that's accomplished, get a smoke bomb and meet me back at the village's gates!"

I smiled widely. But my partner seems a little nervous about something? Well, he looks constipated if you's ask me.

"S-S-Sakura-chan, you see.. I'd love to distract them and all so we could kidnap teme but---"

I raised an eyebrow. Ugh.

"But what, Naruto?"

He then pointed to their direction.

"They spotted us, believe it!"

I paled....Uh oh..


Oh, damn. Me and Naruto then immediately jumped down from the tree and faced Team Taka. The man with white hair looked amused while the other two had a serious face on. Sasuke, on the other hand, glared at us but kept his composure.

"Naruto, watch out!"

I yelled as I saw several kunais flying towards him. I bit my lip in frustration and grabbed a smoke bomb. This is our chance!

I then dodged the members' attacks and threw the bomb near the center. Smoke then covered the whole place as I swiftly got behind Sasuke and knocked him out.

I smirked and searched for Naruto.

"Naruto! Our work here is do---"

"Hn. Don't be so confident, Sakura."

I froze on the spot when I heard his voice. Sasuke was standing behind me with a kunai near my throat. I gulped and shifted my gaze at his supposed body I thought I knocked out earlier...

A log.

A substitution jutsu.

"Sasuke-kun, don't do this." I pleaded, but who the heck am I kidding? I'd have better luck negotiating with a rock.

"Tsk. You're useless. And to thi----"


Suddenly, he dropped the kunai he was holding and after that, I heard a 'thud' behind me. I turned around and looked at Sasuke's now unconscious body. Slowly, I jerked my head up and saw Kakashi-sensei and Naruto.

I smiled.

"Good thing you two came. Now let's wrap him up and give him to the birthday boy."


A/N: Sorry for the late updates. I have a hectic schedule and yeah... it's killing me. Haha :)

I hope you don't hate me! God bless guys ♡


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