Chapter 19

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Sasori's Puppet Dancer!



Sakura's POV

I left the baby to Sai and ran towards a stall where I heard Dei-chan's voice come from. I was ready to hit the Uzumaki idiot on the head, but stopped when a fit of laughter interrupted my brutal thoughts.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Nawuto-nii! Hahahaha! S-Stop! Un!! Hahaha!"

I face-palmed when I saw Naruto ticking little Deidara as the other kids watched them while licking their ice creams.


He stood up at the sound of my authoritive voice and faced me. Scratching the back of his head, "Hey Sakura-chan! Um, you guys already done delivering the uhh scroll? That's cool."

I remained emotionless.

"Why are you tickling the kid?"

"Hehehe.. because he stole my ice cream?"

I sighed. Why am I surrounded by immature idiots? I looked at the kids and noticed Kakuzu crying as he murmured something about 'piggy bank' and 'my money'. Well, that's not the only thing I noticed though.

"Where's Sasori?"

"Eh?" The blonde ninja turned his head to count them and paled when he realized that one kid was really missing.


"U-Um... he, flew off over the horizons to find himself?"



"Sasorrrrriiii?? Yuhoooo! Are you in there?!"

Sakura hit him on the head. "Seriously?! You're looking inside a fish bowl?!" Me and this idiot have been looking everywhere for the little redhead.

"BWAHAHAHA! Kisame, look, thewe's a fish bowl! I knew you were a fish out of freakin' water! HAHAHA! A victim of global warming!!"

"Hidan, must you always have a snarky remark? By the way, Sakuwa-nee, where's my baby brother?"

I stared at Itachi for a while and cussed when I remembered I left Sasuke to Sai!


We all ran back to where I last saw the two, but the sight made my jaw dropped. I can even hear Konan-chan squeal.

Sai smiled at us. "Oh, hi everyone."


Sasuke! He's back to normal!

But he's topless.

Several girls from afar took some pictures of the half-naked Uchiha and I even heard some giggles. From the corner of my eye, I saw Pein hand me a tissue.

"Nosebleeding because of an Uchiha's abs? Pathetic kunoichi."

I glared at him and grabbed the tissues before stuffing them in my nose. Naruto and the others laughed at what I did, but Sasuke only smirked and ran a hand down his torso.


Well, it's working alright! Ugh.

I walked away with my head held high---to stop more blood from coming out---I mean, to raise my pride!

Fortunately, when I passed by a shop, I saw a familiar redheaded kid playing with his tiny puppets. "Sasori!" He smiled at me and showed me his artworks.

But what shocked me more, is the fact that he is now using blue chakra strings instead of yarns to control them!

"Look at my puppets, Sakura."

I stepped away when I heard his deep and rich voice. It was his adult voice! "W-What?"

"I mean, look Sakuwa-nee! My puppets!"

I sighed. Jeez, I need to get more sleep. Now I'm hallucinating things. Just then, a playful thought crossed my mind, I whispered Sasori something and he nodded, listening with interest.

Ah, so Sasuke thinks he can manipulate me, huh?


"Where is that girl?"

I muttered and played with my noodles. Me, Sai and the dobe are here at a ramen shop. The kids danced at the center stage as the loud festival music filled the air. Sakura and Sasori still nowhere to be found.

I got up, ready to leave when suddenly.. and involuntarily, I hugged Naruto!

My eyes widened as so did his.

"Are you gay, teme?! The heck? Let go of me or I'll kick your ass, dattebayo!"

"Dobe! I don't even know what's going on! It's like, someone's controlling me!"

He smiled and pointed at a direction. I glared when I saw who the bastard of a manipulator is doing this crap. It was Sasori with Sakura laughing beside him!

"Smile!" She said and took some pictures before the redhead made me dance with the other kids!!



"Itachi, your brothew----dances like twig---awe you sure you're blood related?"

I involuntarily made a split and even twerked!

Fuck, the embarrassment!

I saw little Itachi frowned. "Hn. I don't even know that guy. He's not my brother! He is a disgrace to the Uchiha clan."




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