Prologue One

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"You're a black sheep,Russel."


"Water or another coke?"

I looked up at my friend behind the counter. "Water's fine. Thanks Wes." I continued writing down my thoughts on paper until he came back over.

"New song?"

"I wish." I said laughing. "It's part of my project for business." The door to the restaurant opened and a loud group came in. "The usuals?"

"Unfortunately." He sighed. "I love the business, but that group is so rowdy."

I studied the group of five with Weston. Five seemed to fit in and one seemed to stand out. I knew who they were for the most part. The soccer stars of the University of North Carolina. Or at least some of them. Four seniors and a junior. Maddison, Morgan, Zoe, Ru, and Alessia. Russo was in my grade, but I'd never personally met her.

The stand out was Russo. She was born over in the England, making her the black sheep of that party group. I don't think she truly enjoyed being in a group like that, yet she stood there anyway...well, stood in the back.

The semi-blonde girl in her UNC varsity jacket came walking towards me and Weston. She seemed nervous as she shoved her hands in her pockets.

"I'm the uh, designated driver tonight." Her small laugh even had an accent to me. "And in charge of getting drinks."

"Sure. What can I get you?" Weston asked.

"I'll have water and whatever they usually get. Do they just get some shots and bottles?" He nodded. "Then I'll uh, I'll do that."

"I'll get it for you."

"Thanks." I went back to my own work, not really caring about the athlete standing a few feet away from me. I really couldn't care. I wasn't into the sports scene. "So," great. "what are you studying for?"

"Are you trying to make yourself feel less awkward there?" I asked, not looking up. Nothing was said. "Since there's silence, I'm going to assume you nodded." I looked up at her. "I am working on a project for business and marketing."

"Oh that's cool. I'm a sports and excersise major." She nodded as she spoke. "I don't usually talk to people I don't know. I'm not a great public speaker."

"You are in the interviews."

"You watch my interviews?"

"No." I went back to my work. "I hear about them. You're not only a pretty face you know?"

"I'm not—"

"Don't worry, Russel. I wasn't asking the college hotshot out. I have my own personal problems to worry about, and don't worry about me remembering this conversation tomorrow."

"It's Russo."

"That's what I said." I smirked.

"Here you go." Weston put down a few glasses. "You can pay—"

"First round's on me." I say.

"You don't have to do that. You're not friends with us or anything."

"No, but I'm a nice person and I haven't done my good deed for the day."


"Is she bothering you, Less?"

"We're not in high school anymore, Alex. Say all you want about me, but we're adults." I shut my textbook. I hand Wes two twenties. "I'll see you tomorrow. Nice meeting you, Russel." I looked at the dirty-blonde.

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