Prologue Two

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"Say don't go."


I didn't expect myself to talk to a complete stranger. But I did and when she left, I forgot about her. I forgot about her until she ran into me a few days later. I spur of the moment invited her to our game against Notre Dame.

I didn't think she'd show up and I was right. As I looked out into the stands, I just saw a bunch of unfamiliar faces. I sighed as a hand was placed on my shoulder.

"She didn't show?" Lotte asked.

"No. To be fair, she said she'd think about it."

"It's still disappointing."


We were eventually called into the locker room where our team talk was. It was quick and simple. Right before the game started, Lotte adjusted my armband. It was something we'd started doing this season.

The game was nothing short of difficult. Notre Dame's always been a good team and today they showed it too. It was extremely hard to play through balls and our shots were going straight to the keeper.

I was beginning to get frustrated, but I kept my composure. I had fired a few shots and made some clean passes, but nothing felt settled. I wanted to be a foot up on the Irish.

With only a few minutes left in the half, I got the ball and made a small run. I looked up and saw my chance. I fired my shot and watched it hit the back of the net. My teammates came up and hugged and high-fived me. The half ended that way.

The second half was hard too. We needed to keep our lead. We played defense the entire half but won 1-0. It felt good to keep our win streak alive.

After the game, I looked out onto the crowd again. No show. I showered in the locker room and changed into a pair of shorts and sweatshirt. I found my phone in my bag and saw a text from my best friend.

Ella: Win?

Alessia: Yeah. 1-0. I got the goal.

Ella: Go off, Less. See you in Manchester soon??

Alessia: Haha, maybe. Still thinking about what I want in life. You know how it goes, Tooney.

Ella: I do. Camp though? I saw your name.

Alessia: Wouldn't miss that. We're so close to the senior team.

Ella: I feel it coming. Who knows, we may win the Euros one day.

Alessia: Or a World Cup.

Ella: Who knows? I'll talk to you later?

Alessia: Of course! Love you, Tooney.

Ella: Love you, Less.

"Good game, Russel." I looked up and stopped walking. "You even scored."

"Brooke." I smiled internally. "I didn't think you came."

"I told you I'd think about it. So, no team bonding after a game?"

"No. I—I was heading back to my dorm. I've got some coursework. And I'm tired, so I don't want to be with them right now to be honest. Are you going back to the bar?"

"No. In a few days I have a gig."

"What day?"


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