Chapter 24

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"Let me explain."


"Alessia, are you sure this is something you want?" My agent asked.

This meeting had gone on long enough. I was ready for change. I needed it. I needed to get away from Manchester. I needed to move out of the house I shared with her. I needed to get out of Manchester.


"That's great." Arsenal's coordinator, Holly, had a smile on her face. Everyone wanted to see me in London. "Alessia, if you want to wait until your contract expires, you can move for free, and nobody will have to worry about money. It'll make things easier for both parties involved."

"You say that, yet you put in a bid for £500,000 during the transfer window?"

"Yes, but now that Alessia's contract with United is almost over and no official decision has been announced, we're jumping the offer. Alessia, through this, you'll be making £1,000,000 a year here. We can provide you with housing, transportation...anything you need. Jonas has plans to make you a regular starter and a key attacker for the team."

"When can I sign?"

"We can sign you 30th of June and announce it on the fourth of July. Does that sound good with you?"

"Sounds perfect."

Holly stuck her hand out, "Pleasure welcoming you to Arsenal then. I'll get the paperwork ready for you to fill out and we'll see you at the training center soon." Holly stood up and collected her things before heading out the door.

My agent made eye contact with me for a moment, opened her mouth, then shut it. Then she opened it again.

"You're one-hundred percent sure about this? About leaving United and transferring to Arsenal? You sure about doing this for free and leave United dry?"

"Mark's ruining the girls there. He doesn't deserve anything from me. And I'm sure. I need change. Arsenal has a chance of Champions League and top of the league wins. The FA Cup and the Continental Cup. It'll be a better and more competitive environment for me. I'm sure of it."

"Okay," She sighed. "I'll make sure everything is set up for you to sign. For now, focus on the World Cup and I'll see you soon."


The day bled on until we were all packing our things to go home. I ended up wanting to fly back to Manchester. I didn't want to drive more than an hour, and the drive was longer than that, so I opted for an hour flight.

I had an Uber drive me back to my house and told him to drop me at the front gate. Once he was gone, I punched in the gate code and walked up the driveway.

I set my bags against the wall to deal with later. As I was going into the kitchen to grab water, I heard something upstairs. I grabbed a candlestick and slowly went upstairs towards my room. When I walked in, I see the person's leg sticking out by the door.

I don't know what came over me to determine that throwing the candlestick was a good idea or even bringing one as a weapon, but I did and I threw it.

"Ow! What the fuck!"

Wait what?

"Brooklyn?" I stepped into the room and saw her holding her shoulder. "What are you doing here?"

"I was getting some of my clothes 'cause I thought you weren't home, and I didn't want to bother you. Why did—You hit me with a candlestick."

"Did that really hurt your arm?" She moved her hand away from her shoulder. There was a cut on her arm and it was bleeding. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. I can find a band-aid or something."

I grabbed her hand. "Come with me. I'll help." I pulled her into the bathroom and went to the closet to find something to fix her arm up.

I dabbed her arm with a wet towel and watched her eyes fall on me a few times. I kept my eyes on her arm, not wanting to face her.

"Stop looking at me like that."

"Sorry," She turned away. "Congrats on the World Cup call." She whispered.

"Thanks," She nodded. "I'm excited."

"Good, good." I placed the band-aid on her shoulder. "Thanks, Russ—Alessia. I'll get my things and go." She swallowed.

"Okay," I started to walk out but she stopped me.

"I lied." I leaned back against the wall. "I lied about why I was here. I wanted to talk about...about the night I kissed someone else."

"There isn't anything to say, Brooklyn. We're done now."

"Can I just tell you...please. Let me explain." I sighed.


"I don't remember it. I can promise you that. I don't know why I did it or why Mark let me get so drunk or who the woman even is, but I wouldn't kiss just anybody. You have to believe that, Less."

"I did. Then I saw that."

"I kissed that woman and I'm not denying it, but I am denying that I did it on my my own will. I think someone set me up. I need to prove that." I scoffed and walked out. "Where are you going?"

"Away from you. You're fucking crazy."

I was suddenly pushed down onto the bed. "I'm crazy about you, Alessia. That's the craziest I get. I wouldn't—I love you." Brooke was on top of me, holding my hands down onto the bed. "I need you and I'm proving this for myself, for you...for us. Please, believe me."

I wanted to kiss her.

But I wouldn't give her the satisfaction.

"Prove it all you want but we're not getting back together. Once a cheater, always a cheater, Brooklyn."

"No," she shook her head. "Not true. I cheated on Rachel, sure. I didn't love her though. Does that justify my actions? No, it doesn't. She cheated on me too. Does that justify it? No. Do you remember our first date?"


"We made love that night."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"I've never done that with someone. I've never let alone kiss another woman the way I've kissed you." I rolled my eyes though. "I just spent the last few months in Italy, drinking away the days and writing music all night. I haven't talked to another human being for like three months. Not until you hit me with a fucking candlestick. I haven't touched another person until you grabbed my hand ten minutes ago. I haven't kissed another person since you last kissed me."


A tear fell down her face. "You have to believe me." Real, raw, emotional.

 I know it's been a while for this one. I'm trying to get caught up with this and honestly, I've enjoyed working on Hidden a little more at the moment, but I really wanted to get one of these chapters out. I'm trying to get through the World Cup and Alessia's transfer with this book, and maybe a game, then it'll be pretty much done and wrapped up.

So, maybe 10 chapters max...

I hope you all are enjoying. Leave comments/ideas!

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