Chapter 32

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Buckle's a long one 🫣


"Anniversary Dinner."

I flipped the pancake over in the pan. It sizzled as I pressed it down and stopped when I took the spatula away. I picked up a strawberry from the bowl next to the stove and popped it in my mouth.

Hands placed themselves on my hips and a chest was pushed against my back. "Good morning, fiancée." Brooke kissed my cheek as I blushed and leaned back into her.

"Good morning."

The memory from last night flashed my mind. Brooke kneeling on the soft sand, her nervous voice asking me to spend forever with her again.

"No way," I had blurted out, shocked beyond words. It wasn't rejection; it was sheer disbelief. Brooke's proposal had caught me off guard. I didn't expect it so soon, even though deep down, I wanted it more than anything. But my instinctive response made Brooke freeze, worry etched across her face.

Now, in the kitchen of our home away from home, as Brooke stood behind me in just her sports bra and shorts, I could feel the happiness radiate off of her. I turned in her arms, facing her with a small smile.

"I'm sorry for last night," I murmured, my fingers tracing the edge of her shorts. "I was just... overwhelmed. I didn't mean to scare you."

Brooke's eyes softened, her hands moving to cup my face. "Hey, it's okay," she reassured me, her thumb brushing gently over my cheek. "I understand, Russel. I should have probably waited for a better moment."

I leaned into her touch, grateful for her understanding. "No, no, it was perfect baby," I insisted, reaching up to kiss her softly. "You caught me off guard, that's all. But I'm here now, with you."

Brooke grinned, her fingers lacing with mine. "Good. Because I want—or would like for our forever to start with pancakes," she teased, nodding towards the plate. "And maybe a lot of kissing."

I laughed, feeling the tension ease between us. "You and pancakes," I teased back, leaning in to steal another kiss.

The soft warmth of her lips against mine was irresistible, and soon the kiss deepened. Brooke's hands slid around my waist, pulling me closer as her tongue slid into my mouth.

Before I knew it, Brooke had lifted me effortlessly onto the kitchen counter, her body pressing firmly against mine. I wrapped my legs around her waist, feeling the heat between us intensify. Her hands slid under my shirt, teasingly squeezing my sides and tracing patterns on my skin. Her hands moved to my thighs again.

Her fingers trailed up my legs, sending shivers down my spine, before lightly playing with the edge of my underwear. I gasped into her mouth, the sensation of her fingertips skimming over sensitive spots made me squirm with need.

Brooke's lips hit mine hard, her breath hot against my skin as she whispered dirty promises and praises. "You're so fucking sexy, Less," she murmured between kisses, her voice husky with desire. "I love feeling you like this, all hot and eager for me."

Brooke's kisses trailed down my neck, igniting a fire that spread through every nerve ending. Her teeth grazed lightly along my collarbone, teasing me while her hands continued their exploration, edging me closer to the edge but never quite touching me.

I whimpered in frustration, "Brooke," I gasped. "Please..."

As Brooke's lips continued to move against mine, I allowed myself to get lost in her touch. Her hands were everywhere, sending shivers down my spine and making it hard to focus on anything else. But then, a sharp smell cut through the haze of passion, making me tense up.

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